Layering issues

Thanks for the good laugh on that one :smile:

On the topic, weā€™ve got a thread going that shows just when and how you can expect to see transitions happening when playing the game.

When you think about all the situations that can cause transitions as you group up with people/as player population shifts during certain playtimes and so on, thereā€™s an uncanny amount of poofing out happening as you play.

I even made a video on this myself (the SI:7 K9 one), which shows how quickly (and visibly) your layer can die out if the action is on another layer that isnā€™t yours.
Of course it was a big event example as it was on the Stress Test, but weā€™re gonna have those ingame too and also on smaller scales it will be noticable regularly, especially during the early leveling phase where thereā€™s a ton of people playing in questing areas.

I said some time ago, the moment you actually play the game, and see this in action, youā€™ll know what iā€™m talking about. The videos can give you a good idea on what itā€™s gonna look like, but when you experience the shifts yourself in game just by playing youā€™ll know what i mean.

At first, just by reading and so on, i figured it canā€™t be so disruptive given their explanation. But layering worked very accurately in the tests, and i got to use it just like they said i would. And it shifted me out at moments that made sense given their explanations. The only problem was: It was a terrible experience, because itā€™s very disruptive to the world and social interactions.

Idk if you have a stress test inv, but if you do, i can recommend to go see for yourself there what itā€™s really like with layering.

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