Layering: Few Weeks or Phase 1

Regardless of the trust issues people have with Blizzard, I’m gonna go with OP on this. They said it would be gone within the first few weeks, so I’ll hold em to it, and expect a layerless experience after three weeks in.

I realize Blizzard needs to make money, but for once I just want to hope for the best out of a game developer. Otherwise all I have is CD Projekt Red to be happy about.

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We’ll just have to see then.

I’d be lying if I said AQ Gates isn’t worrying me.

While its a significant milestone, on my server the Gates event crashed so much that we basically all just said “Cool” and hearthed back to IF to avoid Kalimdor for a few hours.

It’s not the be all and end all of the experience.

No but it’s the event everyone wants to see go off without a hitch because of how epic it was supposed to be.

…And if they don’t then I need to seriously question their priorities.

The gates of AQ is a one time server event. It is significant.

Wasn’t it the first of its kind, too?

I hope it works out that way. I think there may be far more complaining if they turned it back on. People may even quit just based on the precedent it sets going forward.

Absolutely Vitaly. Imagine 3 layers but the gong is hit in only one layer ?

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Just like the launch and the first weeks after it, I’d say. Unfortunately that one doesn’t get the same treatment.

I was not referring to your spectrum thing. If you can’t tell a true smile from a false one then you can’t read people. If you can’t read people then I am not sure how you get by in this world.

I generally just distrust people so I assume every smile is false even if it looks genuine.

Trust has been an issue for me all my life.

That sounds like a terrible way to live.

I’m still alive. It has its benefits.

This isn’t the dark ages.

Could’ve fooled me, considering current events worldwide.

This entire planet is losing it.

and last ,lol.

From what they’ve said the tech will support it, and layering is for the gameplay during launch. No-one cares about active gameplay while two zones are being destroyed by the AQ bosses and trash mobs. So as long as the tech works, everyone on the server can be in two zones.

I meant in terms of one-time server events heralding the launch of new content.

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We enjoyed a nice time but yes it has been a slow decline and it is only going to get worse. Brace yourself.

Glad we found a common ground.

How have you been Stud? Still looking forward to classic?

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