Layering: Few Weeks or Phase 1

I like to think it was already there right in front of us but we were too dumb to notice right away. :stuck_out_tongue:

Still looking forward to Classic and hanging out with some chill people though.

Good bro, just getting older,lol, Yah I am looking forward to it, there is no such thing as too much WoW imo!

How have you been?

You’re really reaching here.

You are 100% correct. 1000%!

I wasn’t too dumb but I was too busy playing WOW…go figure right? xD

Not bad at all. I am glad to see you still here…I think it has been 12+ months since our last postings. Pre-classic announcement we were fighting for it.

You’ll never be an age over 21 in my eyes.

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A bit vague still on the wording (a few weeks), but an opportunity for the Classic dev team to removing layering well before phase II. Heck ,would be cool if it were gone after a week.

And…hopefully layer hopping will get addressed to prevent exploits.

Well, when I said “dumb” I wasn’t meaning “lacking in intelligence,” just… “unobservant.”

Sorry if I’m digging a hole here. lol

Naw, I was unobservant for too long. I think a lot of our last few generations have been.

We were simply too comfy.

yah 21 was a good year,lol thanks !

yah me too, going PVE btw


Let’s not be too melancholy though. Trust issues aside, that is NO way to live. Ever.

If you can’t have a happy life, what’s the point?

Not at all. Going forward is a corporate term thats intentionally vague. It’s intended to be lacking in committment.

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This is my guesstimate, as well. Lots of folks are hyped for classic but give it a month and folks will realize it’s not for them, though I do feel that we will settle closer to 1m.

I would not be upset by this. Though hopefully if that’s true they’ll be increasing servers too.

First, let’s see what Ion himself says in another interview, alongside other classic dev’s statements about the estimated duration of phases (especially P1 regarding to layering, and release of P2)

Their statements on the estimated duration of layering (before P2):

(Aren’t they some lovable devs tho? Makes me so happy to see their own hype for classic. Lok’tar Omar!! :heart:)

I also rewatched the interview you linked, and Ion right after he states “we will promise to do this a few weeks in” follows up with this particular estimation being related to the release of world bosses in P2.

In total, all of the devs statements currently about when P2 will come out combine to an estimate of: about a couple of months.

The estimate about when to remove layering ranges from: a couple of weeks, months, to whenever they decide to release P2 aka a couple of months.

The only point where they themselves know when to, and have commited to, taking out layering is: the release of P2 cause of world bosses.

Basically, Blizzard doesn’t know themselves right now when to start taking out layering until P2, and won’t have any direct date to give us until the servers have been launched off, allowing them to get a view on how to go from here.
They’ll also choose that date depending on our feedback on what we want to see.
Of course, i hope they make use of their awesome modern tech prep and not use layering at all. If it did come down to layering though, hoping for only a few weeks of it is quite optimistic given the estimations they gave and the amount of people we’re looking at who are gonna play classic, which are going to be a LOT.


They have however promised to do it within a few weeks. The WoW Game Director outranks every other person in the videos and has greater control over these sorts of things. If you claimed J Allen Brack said P2, Ion would still have the greater influence.

The problem is they keep moving the goal posts:

“The first few weeks when everyone is packed into Valley of Trials…we think we can use sharding there in a limited, time limited way, to solve the initial launch day problems….”

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“A few weeks” vs “The first few weeks”. That’s your idea of changing the goal posts?

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No - limiting it to the starting zones vs the entire world.

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That was because the biggest rage-frothing complaint about sharding in these forums, was that people just disappear any time they move between areas. So they changed the system so that people would be visible (sans re-grouping) the entire time no matter where they went.

They changed the implementation because the community demanded it. They only have so much leeway because their corporate overlords need a smooth launch, but they’re trying to fix the problems by taking our complaints and adjusting the solution.

You’re literally complaining that they moved towards what we wanted.


Come on bro - this system is far worse than sharding the 1-25. It is ripe for exploits and ruins world pvp.

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