Layering exploit is real - Guy has 160,000 gold in Arcane Crystals

With the people unpunished and getting to rule the roost of the economy with ill gotten gains, I won’t be able to enjoy. So forget Phase 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. I’m done with them all.

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sure but post with your classic character, or are you just a retail baby disguising as one?

Good Luck trying to make Blizzard listen.

I have seen the exact same exploits at D3, people were makings thousands of Dollars by cheating, mostly streamers but also randoms. Guess what, Blizzard did nothing, no bans, no rollbacks and the result we all know.

D3 died within a year.

Classic is going to follow.

Prefer not to bother guildies. Besides, why would I be so adamant about the integrity of Classic if I were a retail baby? If anything I should be singing the praises of layering. Instead, I’m trying to drum up support to press Blizz to take action that preserves the integrity of the Classic servers.

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Wouldnt be the first time they banned 1k+ players for exploiting a known bug


Hope this isn’t true.

The delay is approximately 5-10 seconds so long as you arent in combat. I’ve tested this pretty extensively.

Good will make Arcane Crystals very cheap.

That is sad. I was expecting something longer from what they said in one of the interviews. I think AMA one or something

The sad part is that the solution is so simple. Allow one quick layer hop for grouping purposes, beyond that stick a 10 minute timer on it. Long enough to severely hamper node exploitation, not long enough to be any serious hassle when it comes to playing with friends/groups.

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That’s the forums for ya. Good rest of the post

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Hearthstone has a CD, why not layering ?


The solution is to get rid of it. All modifying it will do, is allow new ways for it to be abused. All they had to do was release enough servers for launch, and condense if necessary. Now, they created this horrible mess, and every day we get a new attempt to fix a problem that could have been avoided.

at this point, expecting it to be removed entirely is a pipe dream, unfortunately. best to focus on fixing what we can in the short term.

Photo is fake as the mini map doesn’t look like that in Classic, only on private servers.

I have used layer hopping to get out of hairy PvP situations as well as people in my faction camping quest mobs that I needed. In that time I’ve also been gathering mining nodes. I have never ever seen layer hopping somehow instantly spawn mining nodes. Also I’m pretty sure that you have a layer switch cooldown enabled right after you gather a node specifically to prevent abuse like this.

So the question is - how did they use layering to instantly spawn mining nodes? Unless there is a bug in layering this isn’t possible.

Read the comments… its a fake addon created literally less than 24 hours ago (when the rumor started) probably by the topic creator or a friend to make it seem legit… it doesn’t work… lmfao.

People, people, people… The guy with the math above is correct. You are arguing over a photo that cannot possibly be accurate. Even assuming a 10% drop rate on crystals, this guy would have to have been mining for over 28 straight hours, with zero down time finding other nodes and layer swapping.

You’re being spoofed. Stop being dumb.

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ya the only way to fix this garbage is a fresh server with no layering.

I’m not even sure there is 160k gold in the entire classic economy right now, so that guy definitely doesn’t have anything he can sell right now to make that much gold. All he’s doing is creating a monopoly on one item.