Layering doesn't fix server ques or overcrowding

It fixes the problem it was intended to fix: dead servers after the tourists leave

Layering operates on the assumption that the majority of players who come to try out Classic WoW won’t keep playing it for long.

So instead of opening 60 servers where 50 of them will end up dead, Blizzard has opt’d for 12 servers (which they’ve already had to increase) with more room each, but not so much that it will remain overcrowded after the tourists leave.

Even if layering is removed, I say “if” because im still skeptical, they have stated that servers will be capped higher than original server caps. Some estimate 6-9k

Unless you point me to where they said that I’m going to go with the blue post that states “while we could have higher population caps in 2019 then 2006 we’re not going to do that”

And that was posted like today

Yep, It was another “regular” that used it as a reason. You have maintained that it is used to prevent dead realms. However there are better options for that imo.

Sounds like the queues will allow that capacity, though. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well, people do estimate 18-27000 realm caps at launch soooo

That would be pretty cool, if the servers don’t crash.

Hmm, so theoretically if Herod is full of the “serious, hardcore” playerbase

How much of a gong show will it be when none of them quit by phase 2? Will they have to create 8 more servers and beg them to transfer off?

It’ll be a :poop: sandwich. 10k queues and the forums will burn. I’d say I can’t wait to see it, but I’ll be too busy playing on a different realm.

Layering is for congestion in starting areas when the game goes live.

Layering is server wide now, sharing was just congested areas but people didn’t like that

Blizz might have got it all wrong. Layering might just be kicking the can down the road, to a worse situation that could have been prevented.

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I know that. It is for the same reason though. People have to have time to spread out in the world.

I mean, they’ve warned people it’ll be full, if people don’t move it’s their own damn fault

Not really the players fault, this entire situation could have been prevented if they limited account creation to server capacity, then there would never be a que. But they (blizz) allowed to account creation to excede server capacity, the players didn’t do that.

Wouldn’t have worked either, people will leave and server pop will drop. Layering isn’t really that big of a deal. You’re trying to find a solution to a problem that already has a functional solution

Sure, currently (with layering) they can just collapse layers, or without layering they could merge servers.

A better solution would have been to a) make a South American server so people would actually roll on thalnos, b) not overestimate pve server popularity and c) not let the streamers cuck the server selection for the whole weekend so everyone decided to roll herod

Forces name changes, its easier to open new servers and let people transfer with their name.