Layering doesn't fix server ques or overcrowding

So umm, what was it for again?

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The game itself was only designed to sustain about 3k people, so without layering there would either be even longer queues or a lot more servers, which means a lot more dead server in the months ahead. Layering is purely a buffer.

Later? like when they remove layering? Seems like kicking the can down the road.

Why are you linking an article that literally says layering is for overcrowding like it’s somehow NOT for that express purpose?

It was to try to mitigate the possibility of ending up with low population servers after the dust of launch settles.

Layering was never a solution to overpopulation. That’s why they’re still using queues.

Op asked what layering was for. That article answers that question

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See the article Somalion so graciously posted.

Overcrowding cause the game can only sustain about 3k players but more servers right now isn’t the answer so they use layering

To prevent ghost towns down the road. Do you see how it might help there?

The article from a non Blizzard source?

That was taken from an interview with the blizzard devs >.>

There wouldn’t be any ques if they limited account creations per server to maximum capacity, they would need more server but wouldn’t have to use layering, which isn’t preventing ques or overcrowding.

Even has a video of the interview

Pretty sure you previously touted server ques and overpopulation as a reason you loved layering so much too. (It’s straight from the horses mouth)

Then you end up with more servers then are sustainable down the line and since blizzard hates merging you just end up with a bunch of dead servers, better to layer until the population dies down and see if new servers are needed after it levels out.

I prefer merges, 0 que time and a single cohesive world, over overcrowding, long ques, and a broken apart world.

It’s the best solution to a horrible situation. Too many servers = dead servers.
Too few servers = long queues
Layering allows them to watch then decide the perfect middle ground for number of servers

Thing is, blizzard doesn’t merge, so doesn’t matter if you would like it or not

There was a better option, that also maintained the integrity of the world, which was to make servers ready to be merged like Herod1, Herod2, Herod3, Herod4, etc.