And that’s reason to inconvenience the NA players trying to use the forum by spamming multiple dozens of threads about the same thing? Seems a little counter productive, to me.
If you want NA folks to empathize with you it’s probably a good idea not to go out of your way to annoy them. (Not you specifically, ‘you’ as in the Arugal crowd who felt the need to spam this sub-forum on Sunday night.)
How many players use the forums? 99% of NA players aren’t crying mercy like you are.
We don’t need forum contrarians to empathize with us. Especially one who would spitefully resist our plea because a handful of us made too many threads.
9000 players.
You can learn to scroll a little further down, we can’t learn to bypass a 4 hour queue so that our raids can be filled enough to clear brand new content that we had to work hard to open.
Friend, I, as well as others lastnight, simply expressed annoyance with the spam in the same vein as the Arugal folk expressed annoyance with the queue. Difference here is I kept my comments contained within already existing threads instead of creating new ones.
We both know that our annoyance are not equal. If you believe that, your ego is bent out of shape.
You can learn to scroll a little further down, we can’t learn to bypass a 4 hour queue so that our raids can be filled enough to clear brand new content that we had to work hard to open.
If you have a problem with a thread and/or post. Report and ignore.
Blame Blizzard for delivering this decision as they left for the weekend.
Enjoying conversation is not the same as enjoying suffering. Don’t be silly.
Edit: Oh noooo, my sarcastic tongue-in-cheek comment got your nose out of joint. I’m sooooo sorry.
Allow me to explain how the word ‘kinda’ works:
It means “in a small way” as in “I kinda hope I get into an accident so I don’t have to go to work today”. I don’t actually want to get in a wreck because that would suck.
I don’t actually want them to take longer, because that would suck for the people who can’t play. Jeeze.
Theres been no queue tonight but stormwind is so laggy. Ninja increase server cap while not acknowledging the issue publicly?
Its very strange to go from 2 nights of 5hrs queues to no queue.
Quite a few online waiting for buffs Sure the amount of logins is less but its obvious the server is under capacity load right now.
Theres quite a few pug raids that go on tuesdays on the alliance side.
Arugal needs layers that is 100% true, being in queue for hours on end, people needing to get in at 12pm just so they can play later in the day. You shouldn’t need to plan when to play WoW, it should be a get on when you want, get off when you want game.
Stormwind and Orgimmar is a laggy mess even when an Onxyia head isn’t dropping. To be honest i would love if layers were removed, layering has both upsides and downsides but queue times is a a downside that no upside can match.
The forum spam might be more necessary than you think. Oceania is constantly an awkward demographic: significant enough that international companies, famous bands, etc., all want to capitalise on our dollar, but not large enough for them to commit genuine resources to making us happy.
Your comments about spamming the forum on a Sunday are a case in point. It’s been affecting Oceanic players for 48 hours, but because it’s barely been one business day in the States we get no response. Blizzard would easily take $500,000+ AUD in subscription fees monthly from Oceania (assuming at least 20k subs), but they can’t pay somebody to deliver customer service to our time zones? Ridiculous.
It might be annoying, but sometimes it’s the only way for us to get attention.