No argument. As i know you’re wrong. So it’s not an argument. It’s a fact. Let’s not pretend it’s anything but.
And if you were correct than explain how i could /who the zone. Msg someone to ask if they want to party up or to trade. Have both of us meet in a place. Let’s say lakeshire and both of us be in different layers. This hasn’t happened once or twice but dozens of times.
I can’t say for sure with your scenario. I have no way of verifying it actually happened that way. I’ve provided testing methodology above that you can use to determine the functionality yourself. I encourage anyone who thinks it doesn’t work to go test it using that methodology to find the result themselves. The way this works was common knowledge amongst people in top levels on the way to 60. It was utilized by many to avoid clogging up quest hubs on a single layer.
This was expected with leather. Leather was expected to be just vended early on. It is a very common leveling profession since you’re killing tons of beasts anyway. Many guides even say to use skinning for leveling and vendor the leather.
Pazorax, could you all please look into this mod. I’m not sure where to post this so you all see it. I made a thread with the information, but thought I would reply to you here in case it’s easier for you all to see. There is a new mod called QuickLayer. As far as I can tell it’s extremely similar to the mod you all broke in retail recently that allowed people to quickly and automatically realm hop. This mod does this for layering.
If you all could please look into this mod to see if it goes against what you are trying to accomplish here with avoiding further exploitation of layering, it would be greatly appreciated. I personally can’t see this mod as being ok. This mod isn’t made with the intention of just switching layers to join friends or guild members.
In it, I did nothing but type /who, layer swap, and type /who again. The results were different, as in the second layer, there were no other players in EPL.
There’s a simple solution that allows you to keep layering for server load reasons, still allow people to group up on the same layer for questing, but does not allow people to abuse layers to farm chests/rare spawns/devilsaurs, etc…
Make it so you can only layer if you’re without 100 yards of the leader. That way you can’t chest farm- after all, why would someone invite you to a layer they have a chest just so you can take that chest?
It also gets rid of any randomized layering invites.
Simple solution- thought of by someone not getting paid a cent- would have fixed every issue without letting the intended use break.
yeah sadly u are wrong, or its not in the game yet… my friend is in un goro and so am i, yet hes not on my list and im not on his… i would post a picture but its not allowed
**Another popular theory is that you can determine your current layer by doing a /who in a capital city, and comparing the results against the /who your friend does. That doesn’t work because /who returns results from the entire realm, not just from your layer, and if the result set is too large it truncates the results before sorting them. This means every player gets different results, but those differences in result set have nothing to do with which layer you’re on. This has led some people to claim that they’ve discovered dozens of layers per realm, but that claim is completely false.**
NOT TRUE these are lies.
if you /who from chat it shows people in your layer. you do the same /who in (o) it shows everyone as you can see theres more lvl 36-42 in Dustwallow then my /who from chat makes. BLizzard REMOVE layering.
Try it for yourself
enter > type /who into chat
then press O and try looking in your zone it shows more players or different players. LMAO
Still exploiting is the act of using something not as intended for personal gain and has been done with layering and dungeon grinds where are the suspensions and bans and relosding ui changes layer so its super easy to exploit
You seem to be missing their stance. They have acknowledged the issue and said they will monitor it and make changes if they deem them necessary. What else do you need to understand this means they do not view it as either an exploit or a violation? He even said “use” of layers, not “exploit” of layers. Words have meaning and Paz was very clear on their stance if you paid attention to those he used.