Layer switching is the problem, not layering itself

Thank you for clearing this up

Probably photoshop’d. Regardless, Blizzard has said this is false.

We still very much need an actual forum post about this from Blizzard, simply responding in one of many forums is not going to get this the attention it needs.

Says the guy playing a Blizzard product. Don’t let the door hit ya man. If you’re so worried about Blizzard, just go away. Solves your problem.

Or, most people can understand it and you’re just trying to see what you want to see, which is doom and gloom.


Actually, people like you are. I had a feeling all the complaints were way blown out of proportion. Like another poster said, GD type posters like to take one or two examples and blow it up like everyone is doing this.

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Only the lens of truth can see through the lies!

If you distrust Blizzard that much, why are you trusting them with your money?

Lol, all the ragers got burned.

Quickly, go find something else to complain about or the world will end!

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What are you doing about the people that exploited layering to level to 60 at record speed?

Thanks for clarifying these things!

Do you really think this response is adequate in light of all the blatant abuse of layering?

I personally find this insulting. You can’t possibly believe the community is dumb enough to believe that layering isn’t having a giant affect on game play and economy. I watched Alexensual get two dozen devilaur skins in a hour or less yesterday. I watched a guy speed level to world first 60 using it. I watched streamers hop to get rares and mines.

Coming in here, after all this negative feedback, and saying that it is wildly overblown is a gigantic slap in the face to people who love this game and want it to be fixed.

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Yet we’re supposed to believe these screenshots, because surely these screenshots couldn’t be faked?

Certainly not. The whiners and doom/gloomier EVERYTHING WILL RUIN CLASSIC crowd would have nothing to complain about.

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Everything you listed is hearsay and anecdotal. Provide hard facts on how layering was exploited as well as hard facts on how it is ruining the game and ruining the economy.

First and foremost, there will ALWAYS be people who rush through content, gather/mine high end resources en masse and be world firsts. This doesn’t affect me one bit because even without layering IT WOULD STILL HAPPEN. These claims are just pointless, irrelevant and overblown.

Why are you watching people do this stuff??? Just play the game yourself!!!


I’ve played horde almost exclusively since 2008 but ok.

Layering should be removed. Everyone on the same layer. Vanilla is group based not individual based. This is crap and ruins the experience

I mean I suppose I could close my eyes, put my hands over my ears, and pretend like this system isn’t absolutely abusable. I could pretend like everyone isn’t getting filthy rich and abusing layering to do content faster and easier. I could pretend like it doesn’t destroy world pvp.

I could… But then I’d be like you.


Where is your proof? Back up your claims with facts, not hearsay.