Layer Hopping now has Internal Cooldown

Can you think of a more simplistic way to prevent layering from influencing the economy via reduced resource competition?

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Balance population across all layers so they both consume resources equally, and have equal competition for resources? Likewise, have them share an auction house so their “markets” are unified from the start, thus avoiding any “trauma” when the layers merge into each other?

Huh, sounds a lot like the implementation Blizzard has gone for already. And very much not like what you proposed.

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Still doesn’t solve the “Hey there is to much competition in this layer let me swap to a less competitive layer to farm” problem… It also doesn’t address that there is (Insert number of layers) times more resources entering the economy than would be without the layering whihc will still devalue the resource more than it would if the same pool of people were sharing one layer worth of resources.

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That’s quite funny, because the correct answer is YOU want to negatively impact the server so you have a smoother launch. It’s all about you.


Still wondering about a few things about your proposed implementation.

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How is competition reduced? If anything there will be more competition because it’s a fresh economy.
You’re acting like the resource faucet is open all the way with layering.
You keep talking about all these extra resources like there won’t be extra players demanding or competing for them.

Let’s just keep it basic. 2 layers. 3000 players in each layer=6000 players on that server at a time. 5999 players demanding resources and competing for them against you. I’m no mathematician but it seems to me this works itself out.
This is a fresh economy. Until Susan pumps boatloads of gold into it and “ruins” it. Again.
By mid phase 2 all the “extra” resources from phase 1 and the extra players will be gone. Well unless a lot of tourists decide to become residents. Can’t wait to see how that plays out.

You have no idea whether blizz will use layering or not when classic launches. They started out saying they were sharding and then it moved to layering, who’s to say if it changes again.

If blizz thinks it will cost them more money than it will save them, you can be assured they will trash it. Just remains to be seen what their business metrics tell them.

There are so many layering threads I find them overwhelming and haven’t been able to figure out how it actually works. When people talk about “switching layers” are they talking about there is going to be some drop down menu where you can pick layers 1,2,3,4 etc. Or do you have to zone and rezone? Log out and back in? Get invited to a different layer? How does it work? How do you know you won’t end up in a worse layer than the one you are in?

I understand and share the concerns about abuse but how easy it to abuse the system?

No it wasn’t? Pretty sure the consensus is that Blizzard has NEVER merged servers. CRZ’d them, but never merged.

This is the exact reason Layering is being removed before P2. Which has been said many times.

Exploits, which are now to be put on cooldown and still has 2 months to tweak it into unexploitable territory, is about all you have here.
There won’t be multiple bosses, cause layering won’t be there for that. There won’t be an over abundance of resources, because there will be an equal overabundance of players in the supply/demand chain. The Auction House will only be screwed up if you take multiple existing auction houses and try to smash them together(your merging idea).

You’re only making up problems that you think exist, not solving the few we have. FTFY

EDIT: One nap and like… 200 posts. This place is poppin’. And I see a lot of legitimate suggestions, backings, and reasons (From both sides, to be fair). Looks like people are really trying.


He just increased competition on that other layer. Arguably that would indicate the population wasn’t properly balanced to start with. They “corrected it” by switching layers.

6 in one hand, a half-dozen in the other. I say tomato, you say tomatoe. Whatever dude.

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They did, but not back then. We have “connected realms.” My server, Maelstrom, is connected to Lightninghoof and TheVentureCo. We still have our separate character screens, and we can have duplicate names, but we share the same space, auction house, and can join guilds with guild leaders from those servers. It’s essentially a merge. Though in chat they show their server of origin in their name (thus why there could be 3 Balanor’s on the servers).

I don’t know how it worked for everyone, but our servers went from 3-low, to 1-medium, and back to 1-low. People don’t tend to join realms (particularly new players) or transfer to them unless they are High/Full. People like established and healthy servers, so most servers not at that population designation on the list typically die over time.

This is one of the things layering is trying to prevent, basically. So no servers have to do that.

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No… Layering is the reality of what’s going to happen… there is no other solution that doesn’t bring it’s own problems.

What we need are bandaids.

  1. Once you choose a layer, there is only the queue for that layer. Accounts wouldn’t need to be locked to a layer, just characters.
  2. Yep, reroll.

But the queue system is currently based on the Server. Are you suggesting that the layers are visible at the Realmlist level, or that you’d choose the layer for a character on creation once you got to a server’s character list?

I think you’ll be relieved to know that the moderators took one look at my posts and unflagged them. I, for one, am very much glad for old-style professional moderation, and only wish we had more of it around here, and less mob rule.

I have a 53 or 54 sk, 51 rogue, 51 druid, 51 monk, 44 cleric, and a god awful lot of random 1-30’s for some reason. Usualy end up playing a few months here and there with different folks, leveling, and then they quit. :slight_smile:

Move on to next batch of friends repeat with new character lol.

Sadly my SK, rogue, cleric and most of the lowbies are nekkid because have a terrible habit of loaning out gear to friends that randomly dissapear. I think the only characters I have a full set of gear on anymore are my Druid/Monk and a 28’ish Chanter.


There are more ex WoW players than current wow players. The numbers tanked with Cata, disappeared with MoP and continued to plummet. WoD was probably the worst MMO expansion ever released.

People loved WoW until Cata… it’s been a shell of a game ever since.

WoD: I am the worst WoW expansion
BFA: I am about to ruin my whole career.


so without having to read 600+ posts, how long is the layering cooldown?