Lay The High Elf Movement To Rest

We should be able to play the ones who made the choice to stay with the Alliance because they predate the Horde’s version and never stopped being there in numbers greater than several other Alliance late-comers.


Void elves.

Solved it for you.
Since they’re technically high elves.


Because they would look and act exactly like blood elves and would just be another pandas situation, which the devs did not care for, and will not do again.


And if what someone chooses to roleplay as bothers you that much, just don’t play with them.

I don’t know. I’m in the ‘High elves should be rare and never should have been an option’ group, but at the same time I know it’s nice to have more customization and I’m glad players may be potentially getting what they want.

I’m an essential worker, I don’t have the energy for this High Elf debate anymore.
And while I’m thinking of it, without doing any research and just recalling what I can-
Blood Elves were added to the Horde to increase their population, eh? Because the Alliance vs Horde population was so drastically uneven, and still kind of is depending on your server.
My guess is the lore team knows full well that High Elves should be Alliance if available at all, but the numbers say they can’t do that because the boom would just be unbalanced yet again.
(My theory for why Horde got Vulpera but Alliance didn’t get Sethrakk when they reeaaaaallly should have.)


Not gonna stop the request to play high elves that remained with the alliance.

Blood elves are not what those folk want to play.

Again. Why is that hard to understand?

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Not that it actually matters (even if these numbers are right it doesn’t make alliance helves a good gameplay choice) but where is are you getting these numbers and are they still actually canon? Where are these numbers coming from?

Because they don’t want to do pandas again. That is the reason why you will never get alliance helves. That is the gameplay reason. This has been said before.

Yeah the 10% survival rate and then the 90/10 split between Belf and Helf are canon numbers.

Source please.

Second paragraph of the High Elf wikipedia article. Sources are detailed further there.

Can’t post links or I would.

Thank you!

(I believe you but just considering how many retcons there are in this universe I would always take such things with a grain of salt.)

But they already did do that again, with Void Elves. If you put a Void Elf warrior and a Blood Elf warrior in full Tier 6 armor with helm and all, there’s just about no way you could tell them apart aside from the giant red name tag.

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Gotta say I love watching the Thalassian Civil War rage on.


Coming from a vulpera . . .is not like your population is higher than High elves. Gtfo here furry.

Dont be hypocrite.


S’all gud.

But yeah, Void Elves kind of killed the argument that a population can be too small to be playable.

There isn’t a citation for the number of Void Elves but I don’t think it’s reasonable that Magister Umbric was able to pull THAT many elves away from the standing population post-Scourge.

Usually recessions that large are met with intervention.


They will happen eventually. The alliance is a dying faction and they’re eventually going to be forced to add little things like high elves to incentivize players to stay. We already have pandaren on both factions. Why do people think it’s a reach that we’ll eventually have a blood elf copy on alliance?

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Perhaps my statement was too broad in relation to Elven storyline. If memory serves, it was a lack of magic consumption of the Moonwell that eventually turned exiled Night Elves pale and mortal. However, they started consuming arcane magic to sate themselves, which is why their eyes eventually turned blue. This was a massive evolutionary downgrade for the exiled elves that took effect over an extremely long period of time, thus creating what is really more an offshoot of Night Elves. I still wouldn’t call High Elves a different species from Night Elves. Night Elves to High Elves are like pack-a-punched Neanderthals to Humans. So, two High Elves simply consuming difference sources of magic on the spot does not remotely make them different.


Reminder that Night Elves come from Trolls and Trolls technically have fur, therefor Night Elves are furries.


Oh lord that wikipedia page literally says citation needed. LOL. I wonder where those numbers originated from.


This was dumb to read because is like saying " humans cant call animals to animals because they were chimps".

Only for the evolution theory .