Lawsuit Timeline Summary + Lore articles

Man, even Holinka is posting about it.


Would like to know what Mike did once he found out she wasn’t being paid as much as he was.

And if he didn’t know, why did he not think to check given the lawsuit?


I see it is a manifestation of how little Activision really cares, they are just doing the motions to try to get people to stop pointing a spotlight on them so they can go back to buisness as usual.

They will pay attention for real when people stop playing Candy Crush.

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Yeah Accolonn.

This was in 2020 around the time of Shadows Rising.

Bobby writing Townsend’s email and then condemning her email days later is actually a shocking act of public manipulation

I’ve only ever have seen this tactic in “real” political spaces.

A gaming company?

For the love of God


Oh he is playing straight up power politics. Which is a new one for me to see with a gaming studio, yeah.


It’s not as shocking as anyone thinks it is. It’s just the first time a gaming company is doing it out in the open and the bad press isn’t helping. You would think they would lay off this stuff knowing they have a lot of skeletons in their closet.

Supposed to garner support, not show people how little you actually care about others. :wolf:


Board of Directors came out in support of Bobby, sidestepping Jen’s claims of racial discrimination contributing to her being underpaid

Shareholders have yet to comment

I don’t even know what to do about my OP in terms of timeline of events

“Townsend Releases Statement, but actually we found out two months later it was Bobby pretending to be Townsend”


Of course the Board is going to support their own. People that high up usually don’t take kindly to people rocking the boat.

And the timeline is a mess considering how much we learned that blizz lied, manipulated actual timeline of events and we got people like Bobby pretending/acting like he didn’t know what was going on.

It’s a cluster…you know what. :wolf:

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NGL at this point given the weird puppeteering, I would actually hope the Board would cut their losses with Bobby for their own selfish self interest lmao


You would think they would have cut their losses at this point. I am shocked they’re actually doubling down on this

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He has made them waaaaay too much money to toss him out. You dont kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, and they have made the risk assessment that the possible profits outweigh what they likely see as a momentary blip until the giant Sauron eye that is the media looks away.


More to your point, they realize people are fickle and most don’t actually care and are going to play their games anyway.

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yuuup. When the bottom line is impacted, then they will move earnestly to remove the blockage in the flow of revenue.

So people need to stop playing candy crush, I guess.


He isn’t the goose!

He’s the goose’s cage!

The goose are the devs!

If they want more money, make the devs happier, pay them more, encourage more creativity

We’ll tolerate more store mounts for the whales if it means devs have more liberty for expression lololol


Well yeah, but they dont see it that way. All they see is a CEO with a bunch of Non-monetary assets which he uses to make them profit. Thats just how those sorts of people tick.


“In August, Activision named Jen ONeal the first female co-head of World of Warcraft studio Blizzard. The next month, she sent an internal email criticizing the company’s top management and recounting her own experiences of harassment.”


I’m really off-put by how Blizzard likes to enable stuff like this via BlizzCon drama and always singling out the night elves or the Alliance for abuse that makes easy jokes. I get friendly ribbing, but honestly when was the last time the easy “jokes” flowed the other way?


I feel that, I feel like Wow’s whole Marketing Team stereotypes Alliance and Horde players. Look at the Battle for Azeroth campaigns that made the Alliance look feminine and the Horde super macho. (unless you were a male Blood elf amd dumped on by everyone)

I think those stereotype should be phased out entirely.


I’m so feminine that I didn’t notice

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