Launching WotLK Without Dungeon Finder Is the Right Move

oh wait there is 5 people online atm, and literally not one of my recent TBCC has any one talked beyond “123, go , gg” RDF on average has more socializing lol

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A non-factor on a 30,000 mega server. I don’t recognize any one from a pug again or remember them – My ignore list has been full since day 2 of vanilla, non-factor.

The toxicity of the system started almost immediately. This is when the go-go-go kick the noob came into game. This is where players that used the dungeon finder grouped with their clique and other friends and players that didn’t have the same social connections experienced vastly different dungeon finder runs. This has all been discussed literally 100s of times during the lead up to classic launch and over the years in the official general forums.

The removal of the world traveling removed players from the world. This helped to created in part the ghost town servers we started seeing in cata. This ghost town was further exacerbated after the removal of battle groups.

For my part, again Im a raider yes. But I typically do not run dungeons with guildees. I only run dungeons if I need to pretty much and occasionally for doing quests. Which further illustrates some of the problems with the RDF.

This is an mmorpg. Queuing and then instantly teleporting to a dungeon and then appearing right back where you were after shrinks the world and diminishes community and server identity because you dont have to play nice anymore. You can be a go go go toxic parselord and spew hatred all over random players and then get away with it. :frowning:

As far as cata is concerned, I gotta tell ya. Im excited for it if they plan on not having the dungeon finder in classic. I really loved doing all the quests in Vashj’ir and hyjal.

I had a blast exploring the world and organically discovering all the dungeons locations. Thinking about heroics in cata, looking back they were really hard. And a lot of that difficulty was because many players only choice of doing heroics or not was by using the finder with random players.


the most completely lied about notion the system gets, TBCC classic is exponentially more toxic than RDF ever was in the past.

All your rationales are non-sensical and have been debunked time and time again on multiple forums


Time will tell. But, the players against the rdf have data to point to that
enables a confident prediction that wrath classic will be a great game, even without the random dungeon finder.

are you blind? RDF was implemented in 3.3.0 a long stagnant state and for an entire year RDF was out subs gradually grew to the record peak of 12 million subs, then later systems and implementations in a whole different expansion saw numbers go down, conflating the 2 is moronic, for an entire year the data indicates RDF increased population. that’s longer than TBCC has even been out lmao. you are clueless.

O look, more reeeeeeing.

During the original classic era (vanilla through wrath) millions played this game and ran countless dungeons without the 3.3 random dungeon finder.

Millions have played without the rdf during classic without the rdf.
The game will be just fine without the rdf.


You can’t just say LFD improved player count just because you want it to seem that way. Recruit a friend was implemented at the exact same time. So do you have any statistics to state one instead of the other?


You don’t think the “go go go” mentality, the elitist treatment, existed BEFORE the RDF?

You think toxicity didn’t exist in vanilla or TBC? (I’m not talking about classic here, I mean the real 2004-2009 deal).

You either had your head in the sand for 5 years, or you’re lying.

What evidence do you have that RDF was specifically the source of that behavior?

What does world traveling have to do with the social aspect? When was the last time you made a friend while flying from Shatt to a dungeon?

And the benefit of RDF is that you DON’T have to be tied to a city to queue. You can quest. You can gather for professions. You can do dailies. If you’re looking for a group in current TBC Classic, you ARE tied to a major city in order to be in the LFG channel. It doesn’t shrink the world, it does the opposite.

How does the dungeon finder prevent you from questing in Vashj’ir and Hyjal? Teleporting is actually GOOD for that, instead of having to mount up and travel to the dungeon and travel back. You can easily pick up where you left off while questing. OR, you can quest while NOT using the RDF, so you can immerse yourself. Why does the RDF impact that experience at all?

Yes, I also love exploring the world, seeing Outland again was a great and nostalgic experience. But after a few months, do you find yourself meandering around Hellfire Peninsula to soak in the world? Do you randomly visit Nagrand just to see the Talbuks in their natural habitat? Experiencing it initially is awesome, but if the game is going to be around for a year, zones will be largely empty at the 9 month mark, ESPECIALLY without the RDF.

This is a load of crap.

All of it.

These negative and positive aspects already exist in WoW and in WoW classic, regardless of the existence of the RDF tool.

If you want to say that the RDF tool specifically is the source of that, you’re going to need PROOF.

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The rdf is not the only source of that mentality, but it definitely caused it to expand exponentially. When you have no consequence for bad behavior in dungeon runs what stops the bad behavior? The only answers are ignoring the toxic player and hoping the run ends quick or not running dungeons at all and that’s not very good.

Edit: OR the other option of only queing with your guildmates/friends which brings us back to why its a problematic system in the first place in regard to building community and server identity.

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I can assure you, the fact that people will be on the same realm will not change the fact that people will ruin others gameplay in ever way shape and form.

How did it cause it to expand exponentially? How are you measuring that? What are you basing that on?

How do you stop the bad behavior in TBC Classic? What do you do when someone ninjas loot, or intentionally wipes the group? You kick and replace. If they are the leader, you leave and try again. How is the RDF any different?

You claim the toxic behavior will grow, but I’m still not seeing any evidence, just your own personal fears.

Also, I had several other questions for you in my previous post, feel free to respond to any of them after having cherry-picked this one.

This is for the most part anecdotal, but not just me personally , a brief forum search or reddit search will display 100s of anecdotes discussing how toxic running dungeons became after the finder is in the game.

In classic, I joined a raiding guild and made friends in the guild, and outside the guild and only raid with these folks we use epgp. There isnt ninja looting in my guild. As far as dungeons go my experience has been that the go go go toxic types pretty much have to play nice because of the time commitment of making a group and going to the dungeons.

Please re-ask them for the sake of the conversation. Im responding to 2 of you atm. Sorry!

Edit: After rereading, Your other questions have been answered multiple times in other forum posts of this topic. But please re-ask them if you want and we can go over them again.

Yes, Here are some statistics showing that wow was at it’s peak population between 03/2010 and 04/2010 (during RDF) and The only thing I could find on when RaF was introduced was a IGN post in 2012 a year later and during the decline of the population.

I would include links but the forum won’t allow me

If you have DIRECT information presenting evidence that LFD was THE reason for uptick in pop, link it here with spaces between the link.

I will remind you I am not anti LFD

I also find it incredibly ignorant that everyone ignores the gradual growth of players over the course of the launch of wow up until cata. Everyone acts like 12 million people played wow for LFD. Which is preposterously innacurate and makes absolutely no sense at all.

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Yeah yeah, totally not related to the fact that we were finally going to be able to fight Arthas :roll_eyes:

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And also blizz was running commercials advertising the game via celebrities. Night elf mohawk! Good times lol!

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Well yeah bro, that’s why wrath was so massively popular. The story arc is what provides the player statistics you see. Arthas is not the dungeon finder mechanic

Right, anecdotal evidence. Do me a favor and do another quick search for “logical fallacies.”

Yes, exactly, you have your infrastructure. Again, that’s great. Again, you won’t see any difference with the inclusion of the RDF, your experience will stay the same. You can plug your ears and sing at the top of your lungs, but the toxic players are already out there and they always have been. And sometimes you have to deal with them. That’s life, brush off and move on.

So why are you trying to deprive the rest of us of something we want?

Right, but I’m not asking anyone else, I’m asking YOU. And I’m not re-asking, you know what the questions are. Stop trying to dictate how the questions are addressed, they have been asked and it’s up to you to answer.

To be fair, blizzard isn’t against you or for him, blizzard is doing what’s best for their bank account.