Maybe a bit crass to put it the way I did, but a brief review of the forums will show just that.
This is another case and point on why the 3.3 random dungeon finder is bad for the overall game.
The problem with this is after its in game, 2 things happen. You queue for a dungeon and run a dungeon, or you don’t queue for a dungeon and you don’t run a dungeon. There is no choice here.
Thankfully the classic team elected to not include the 3.3 random dungeon finder in an effort to keep classic, classic. At least for now. From the standpoint of #nochanges this should be okay with most classic players given the RDF didnt release until ICC anyways.
Even with the dungeon finder I still grouped with friends and guildies, it just meant if we didn’t have a full group we could fill the group faster. Also I think the traveling to dungeon thing is really a bit over stated. When you’re running the same dungeon for the 5th time plus, who cares about the immersion of travelling there? We should also probably remove the group finder for bgs as well then. Why does no one complain about that?
The classic concept of the game is a war-torn world of factions trying to recover amidst old hostilities. Given this, since this game is a mmorpg, a world, instantly teleporting to the dungeons literally removes the world from the world of warcraft. The game becomes “the random dungeons of warcraft”.
This is all documented. Beginning with cataclysm people just were not out in the world anymore. People just ran dungeons. Tons of players, like the one I quoted, didn’t even know where these dungeons were in the game world, let alone the story behind them.
The dev even knew things were problematic in this regard by adding the caveat of players having to actually discover the instance portals to the several cataclysm dungeons before being able to queue for them in the random dungeon finder. It was too late though, we the gamer’s, had already started down the slippery slope that brought us to warlords of draenor and beyond.
The battle ground thing was a bad idea as well because it killed at least 50% of all world pvp forever. In the old game you had to actually go to the bg instance portal just like for dungeons. But this actually happened in vanilla, so advocating for it to go back to classic is a bit late to the party unfortunately.
riight, you never accept a summon lol you sound like the type that craves the style of play Classic era and SoM provide, stop trying to drag wrath down in the mud to those levels of gameplay (there is a reason there is literally 7 people online those servers right now )
I think some people blame RDF for modern WOW culture but to me raid finder was more the issue. I’m neutral on RDF. While I agree it’s very convenient I personally would rather run in a guild group as I do most of the time. Classic has so much GDKP and gear for gold in it RDF is not going to harm the already “non classic” culture in this game.
The difference between now and the first go around was that back then WoW had a subscriber base that was growing so there was always fresh players to form groups with. This go around servers will be in a constant and accelerating state of player decay from day one. It will be a raid log game in 4 months without LFD.
The reason LFD is fine is because dungeon spam is actually fun for a lot of people including me. It is not LFR and not even close.
There is no such thing as “immersion” anymore because of how the modern gamer plays games.
The reason classic trilogy is so popular is because it runs off a strong story people can relate to like Star Wars/Warhammer. As well as the game being more simplistic, and more sandboxy.
However, blizzard removed LFD in order to promote convenience to their micro transactions. LFD makes leveling alts a breeze. Blizzard doesn’t make any money off of that convenience.
They will not implement wrath LFD, they will instead install a soft lfg system that operates independently of the original and most likely will not teleport to dungeon nor will it be cross server due to transfer money
I don’t care what they do either way, cause I know it’s not the end of the world and so does everyone else
This is an apples to space ships comparison lol. One feature, the 3.3 random dungeon finder, teleports me to some instance somewhere and 4 other random people (unless I premade). Doing this literally removes the world from the world of warcraft. Players can stand in orgrimar from 15 on all the way to 80 without stepping out of the city. If you cant see the problem with that we will have to agree to disagree then.
Which brings us to the other feature. Warlock summoning, and its cousin, summoning stone summons. This feature involves players on your server traveling across the world to a specific dungeon to engage in this type of teleporting.
One feature breaks the rpg and community, and the other actually builds up the community, and server identity.
Have you tried forming any groups recently on Faerlina? I don’t mean grouping with your guild and/or friends that are available at any time, I mean pull up the LookingForGroup channel and applying your “social interaction” in that space? How many friends have you formed there recently? When you formed groups that way, has that filtered out 100% of all toxic player actions? How do you filter the cacophony of mage boosts (both sellers and buyers spamming the channel)? Or do you not use the channel at all? This fantasy of “without that dreaded RDF tool we will magically form the groups we need and form the bestest of friendships and sing kumbaya” is out of touch with the current reality of trying to form groups with strangers in TBC Classic.
Well I am a raider in my guild, and run dungeons sometimes with my guild, the bulk of my dungeons are with organic groups that either I form myself or get a whisper and invite to join. I don’t ever use LFG. I learned that way is a trainwreck long ago lol.
Might I suggest not using the lfg *edit channle * and/or group finding add-ons and just use trade chat/general chat, or whisper players and ask if they are interested in runs. Its worked for me since the launch of classic.
Right, and I get that, 100% agree that the included systems for forming groups are a crap chute. And that’s the problem. I tried getting into a few heroics for WEEKS and never got anywhere. I’m a raid-geared destro lock. That shouldn’t be happening. I gave up. I don’t play as much any more. I will say this right now, if they include the RFD tool, MORE people will play the game, and they will play it MORE.
Well that sucks. Hopefully things improve for ya. One thing to remember, the 3.3 finder didn’t even come to the game until icc anyways. Who knows, things could change and we get it or something like it in the Icc phase. Good luck to you!
What I’m getting at is, that is the experience for a player that doesn’t already have those connections or bonds. For a player that isn’t part of an active guild, or doesn’t have a network of friends that are consistently online, or for any new players, they will have just as bad of a struggle getting into groups. The LFG channel is a joke. And nobody uses the Dungeon Finder tool that’s currently in TBC Classic. For players that don’t care to join a guild, or don’t have the time, or for whatever reason don’t already fit into that box, the RDF can still get them into groups regularly. The experience of “well that sucks” should not be carried in to WotLK Classic.
Well this is where the pro RDF folks and those that are against it have to agree to disagree then. Ive witnessed first hand the damage this system did to the game starting with the first hours of it going live.
For the record, as I mentioned, I pretty much only run with my guild on raid nights. Most of the time if I’m doing instanced things, its with players on the server not on my friends list or players edit*not in my guild.
I was there too when it went live, and our experiences couldn’t be more different. I’ve played since the WoW open beta. And when the RDF tool was released in Wrath, it was a godsend. I played WAY more using that tool, as that was a way to easily get into dungeons, and you could spam it. Alts were fun, you could quest while queued for a dungeon, and pop in and pop out and continue questing.
In your experience, what damage did the RDF do? What exactly did you witness firsthand? I’m a bit unclear on what you’re referring to.
Right, you have your guild infrastructure. That’s how you choose to play the game most of the time, and that’s great. And that will still be there whether the RDF is in the game or not. The game won’t immediately turn into a dumpster fire if they leave it in the game.
If there’s a “slippery slope” argument to be made, well, I guess the question becomes whether there will be any interest in a Cata classic, and I don’t know the answer to that.
WOTLK was the perfect balance for both hardcore players and casual players alike it was literally when the game was at it’s peak population, doing it’s best, and saw no decline until after Cata toward MoP. I would argue that this can be attributed to Dungeon Finder streamlining the play experience for casuals and hardcore players that were in guilds still had their communities that would pug their own dungeons no problem. Both communities had a place in Wotlk. This change is just going to further drive the game population down.
Majority want it in, let us have the authentic 3.3.0 feature, you guys can play Classic Era or SoM seeing as how in demand those old social fabrics are.