Huh? You would be free to make your own groups. Travel to the dungeons as you have. I mean when I get into a group two ppl travel to it and then summon the rest. I have rarely ever ran into toxic ppl using LFD. In fact I have added many ppl as friends using the LFD. Meeting more ppl using LFD expands the immersive gameplay experience. Playing with the same ppl over and over is great. But if you are not in a clique within a guild, or you play outside of raid time at different times then your guildmates, you usually have to PUG. Sitting in Shatt staring at a LFG chat channel or spamming for more members to do a specific dungeon at specific times you want to do them is frustrating and not even the remotest fun to do. Having a tool to help those of us that want to pug into a group for dungeons makes our gaming experience more enjoyable. LFG chat channel is awful. It is mostly ppl selling their services to boost, tanks to do dungeons, and GDKPs. Is that better than implementing a LFD? A tool to allow members who want to do a dungeon be able to find like individuals to do them at specific times? I just don’t understand the arguments being thrown around by the ppl who don’t want it implemented. For me, none of your arguments make sense. They are nonsensical. And for Blizz to listen to a few ppl to make such a huge decision not to implement it baffles me. LFD would have been such a positive feature to implement. Less GDKPs, less Tanks selling their services, and ppl exploiting others for their gold to be able to do dungeons.
You’re frustrated with the upcoming LFD change but that has nothing to do with the conversation I was replying to which was about the mismanagement of servers. Try to better control your emotions.
And realm connections are done by Blizzard. They are a far superior method to addressing server population concerns than the total disaster that has been their transfer system.
I have had 1 Random dungeon in all of TBC so far that was memorable and forming the group had nothing to do with it. If the group was made with LFD im sure the same events would’ve happened.
Find me a wow server in TBC classic
That isn’t 85% sweaty elitists’ that are as toxic as Chernobyl
Your right players do have control over who they group with, that incentives elitism because players will always choose optimism, I play a feral in TBC “Player control” Over who they play with makes finding groups very hard even though I do 1.8k DPS Easy, I’m not a arcane mage or destro lock.
Swimming to Slave pens with 2007 graphics is the opposite of immersive gameplay
Crossing Northrend 6 times a day to do 4 dungeons with 08 graphics will also be the opposite of immersive.
Believe me id love if players played how you lined out but they don’t LFD or not late classic and all of TBC is my proof.
And your idea of some community is non existent servers have populations of 20k now. I have seen players ninja items like DST or 100 Deaths and go into another raid right after. I’m sorry man but server communities don’t exist anymore
Cross realm is a positive addition to the game it simply increases the pool of players to play with. I’m not sure why players like you want to restrict the amount of ppl you could play with besides your false idea of “Community”
Now in my opinion a good solution would be the retail premade group finder/maker
Creating a mythic in retail is easier and quicker than finding one, but would require cross realm to increase your pool of possible players because of the sheer amount of dungeons from lv 15-80
Not only that Dg finder Gave xp rewards
That would nullify boosting.
This is a fallacy because the people that want the RDF are reeeeeeing at blizzard and anyone that will listen about this monumental decision by the classic team. For the moment that is. Whereas myself, and countless others have been bringing up in the forums how problematic the patch 3.3 random dungeon finder was/still is for several years.
There is a plethora of reasons players advocated for official legacy servers. But near the top of the list is always to get away from retail. Nothing says retail more than the 3.3 random dungeon finder.
The classic team said they want to preserve the classic feel. The classic game was vanilla through wrath. During this period, this classic wow period, the game was just fine without the 3.3 random dungeon finder. Wow Classic has been just fine. Wrath classic will be just fine as well.
This cannot be stated enough. Much like any time a group complains about something online they seem to read their current echo chamber as an accurate representation of the populations on each side of the issue. The aggrieved party will always turn up in a higher percentage than it actually is because most people don’t waste time on forums regarding a decision they agree with.
With that I am not saying there is not a good number of people who want LFD, but what many of the pro-LFD crowd seems to be forgetting is that the classic community has been working towards classic servers for a good part of the mid/late 2010s. That is how classic wow came about in the first place. it wasn’t because a couple dozen people suddenly objected to BFA storylines. There are a lot of people who have problems with the core features of what retail became, and random instancing has always been at the top.
Talk to other players besides them and form regular old fashioned dungeon groups. This is wow classic after all.
The classic era has been defined as vanilla wow up through the fall of the lich king in icc. And for 95% of that time, the random dungeon finder was not in the game.
Millions played wow during the original era, millions have played wow classic thus far, and the data is trending to where I can confidently say that millions will play wrath classic too. And thankfully It will be without that disastrous 3.3 random dungeon finder!
The most populous time of the game was when the dungeon finder DID exist… And people loved it, and are waiting for it. The huge population bump that classic would have gotten from wrath is now halved, or worse. Especially when these people see that their favorite feature is now gone. They will leave after a week of boredom, and never come back. The dungeon finder is FUN.
But no one can explain why. Everyone whines about “MUH COMMUNITY” but cannot explain why that community hasn’t returned in Classic and TBC, despite there not being a dungeon finder boogeyman.
Do you know why? Because LFD didn’t kill your community. The passage of time did. The slow erosion of people, the rise of social media, the decline of the game in general. That’s why “the community” is gone, not because of LFD or LFR.
If you want examples of this, look no further than TBC Classic world chats, where 99% of posts are boosts, sale runs, and GDKPs… all using bought gold. “The community” is not coming back, my man. It’s over.
The megaservers are where a majority of the players of Classic are right now, and that trend will only continue without an LFD tool for smaller servers to actually play the game.
LFD doesn’t fix problems faced by players on a low pop server. Even if LFD were implemented right now they would still need a realm connection/merge to ‘actually play the game’ as you say.
It’s about player control and the intended implementation of a program designed to force other players to make the right kind of friends, based on the unfounded belief that loners can easily be turned into social butterflies if you give them no choice.
Were you planning on playing wrath classic, OP? No doubt you were planning on playing on a busy server. Odd how what is basically a mind control strategy designed to force personality change on a large number of customers will also lead to massive profits from forced server changes by players who have no access to content on low pop servers because of decisions you have made, OP.
Good luck watching the world die around you, as players realize the game has been changed to not even resemble what they assumed they were getting.
Wrath classic is officially dead. O-mae wa mou shindeiru. Good work, OP. I hope you get a nice bonus for posting this thread.
Ahh yes, the people who disagree with you are “reeeeing” while you’ve been calmly expressing your ideas for years /s
The dungeon finder has been contentious but was a net positive on the game in my opinion. It got to the point where I’m not even sure where the dungeon entrances are in most expansions because I personally never travelled there - my friends and I would party up and hit the magic “Let’s Go” button. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t give you an excuse to deny the rest of us the use of it! If you wanna sit around spamming /4 and competing against GDKP’s and boosts you’re free to do that - just don’t take away the tool I want to use because you don’t like it.
Seriously I don’t get why this is even a discussion - if you don’t like it don’t use it - but wanting it removed from the game just makes you a self-centered jerk.
You actually raise some valid concerns of the state of things right now in classic. I don’t think the solution is to add step 1 of the slippery slope that leads to retail wow though.
Wrath is launching without the dungeon finder at least for now, which is #nochanges given it wasn’t out until icc in og wotlk. I suggest we let things play out. Recent history shows us that classic is a smash hit. I’m banking on wrath being great as well.