Launching BFA Launches Classic/BFA Reinstalling Itself

This is not the case.

Maybe you should review this post: You put WowClassic.exe in the retail folder in the last update - #3 by Luceiana-area-52

This just also happened to me on my laptop. Haven’t used it in about 5 days, loaded to a wow update. Sure enough, WoWCalssic.Exe is in the retail folder.

I have deleted the exe and am doing a scan a repair now, will report back is this fixes it.

Update: Scan and Repair finished, and re-downloaded WoWClassic.exe to the retail folder again. So its definitely something on Blizzards end, since all the other files still seem to be for retail.

Yep. Same issues here.

Nice game you got here, Blizz.

Ye, I’m in the same sunk boat. Thanks Blizz.

Heya folks!

Thanks for reaching out about this. Oddly, not everybody is running into this problem, so our Application team is trying to find out why it’s happening for those of you it’s happening to.

Edited by Blizzard: Previously we asked players to test something where this edit is, but we no longer need this information. The extra test request was removed. Thanks!

Edited by Blizzard2 4/25/2020: Thanks to all the logs sent about this error, we no longer need any. The developers have found what they believe to be the problem and are working on a solution. Thanks for all the help!

When I went to the retail folder there was no wow.exe and only the launcher and wowclassic.exe in both folders if I recall correctly.

Edit - after I restarted and the game files were gone, wowclassic.exe was still in my retail folder. Once I started the download for game data (60.3 gb) it left wowclassic.exe and added wow.exe

Working on the logs…

My email got kicked back for a message size violation. Attachment was 1.9mb

Like Meatshyld, the exact same thing happened to me. wow.exe was missing, an update kept failing, eventually it started to download the whole game again for me. wow.exe reappeared at this point, and I could load in to the game when opening it, but it was like you were playing while the game was still download all the assets and such.

I did try to do the logs. I created them fine, and emailed them off per the instructions, but like Meatshyld said my email was kicked back for the zip the loggoblin.exe file created being too large.

I uploaded the zip file to a free file share site and sent them the link instead since attachments weren’t working.

The same thing has happened to me & is now downloading 60 gb

Hey again all,

Thanks for the extra reports and testing that for me. I appreciate the logs so far. I’ve updated the thread title to make sure we’re covering both issues, as they appear to be related.

Edited by Blizzard: Logs are no longer needed for this issue at this time.

Sorry this got in the way with some of you playing this evening. We’ll provide more updates here as we get more information, but keep in mind we still have to identify what’s going on here, so we don’t have an ETA on a fix yet.

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Hey so I experienced this trying to log in and play with one of my friends that works in I.T. and he just had me go to where I had the game files stored (my D drive), so it looked like D drive>World of Warcraft>retail… and in the retail folder there was exe files for WoW, Classic, and the launcher? I just clicked the WoW one and it opened retail WoW for me to the login input screen. SO I hope that info is helpful to the people trying to figure things out, and I hope that this helps you players who are frustrated and just wanna play.

Same issue here. Clicked Play for WoW BFA and it kept launching WoW Classic. I went into the retail folder and WoW.exe was gonem WoWClassic.exe in it’s place. Using task manager I closed and Update Agent, when I reopened them initiated a 60gb download of the WoW.exe client. It’s attempting to redownload the game. Pausing the update and launching WoW.exe launches an incredibly laggy experience while the client tries to download files.

Also just had this happen. Emailed the logs and bounced back for file being too large. Retail is now downloading full game

Happened to me as well

Followed the advice of another player on this forum and it works now… I thoroughly enjoy this game, but sometimes I get so frustrated.

i have now ran into this same issue cant rly figure it out. Click on retail opens classic for some reason. anyone got a fix for this yet

If you are going to ask for log files, you are going to need to increase the maximum file size of what you can receive. Mine just bounced.

Same here Elhadriel…