Laughing Skull Horde Reconnections

This was my main through TBC, up until Cata when I went rogue.

Elitesnipa -Orc Hunter, was in several guilds from Tormented, Sinners Among Saints and a few others.

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Osires- Orc Hunter is my BF IRL. Going to add him here too

Xiftr from < Accounting > in TBC

If anyone from LS is looking for a new home in classic and wants to join a guild with experience clearing MC-Naxx on 4 diff servers, I am dropping a link to our forum recruiting post below. Note: There are a few guild meetings videos that have been posted for you to check out and see if the guild sounds like something you might be into. I believe a PVP meeting as well as a few class meetings have been posted in the thread already.

We have already been practicing MC and other events on a insta 60 server using less than pre-raid BiS and have been doing them weekly to
A) bring back that nostalgia and memories since many have slept since their last Classic raid and
B) teach the fights to players who know WoW but are new to Vanilla/Classic


Mained Boogiemane - shaman horde side, mostly pvp’d going for HWL , also fearboogie lock and rythm pally. I remember a few names on here, esp dj prada. looking to see what servers ppl may have chosen.

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Cuxyboy, holy crap! It’s Potatoskin from Unfadable. Wrench and I will be coming back for Classic, we should hook up! I haven’t heard of anybody from UNF coming back yet except you, myself, and Wrench.

Lagkiller from the foot checking in - where are you guys playing? Lagkiller#1698

Yo - I played as Shadowflare (Undead Priest, quit after BWL) and my buddy Rottingguts (Undead Mage) are coming back! Both were in UNF from pre MC to BWL. Wow cannot believe others from UNF are coming back! Where you guys playing?

Shadowflare! Haha, I remember you both. I don’t think we’ve decided yet, trying to avoid the bloated streamer servers. Definitely PST PvP though, hit me up in at PatBurnatar#1163

Exactly our plan too! PVP PST is the go to

Hey man! It’s Zigg. I’ll be playing a bit of classic, and if you’re around I’m definitely going to playing a shaman then. Or tanking as a warrior in Oogley’s stead since he isn’t playing classic. What server???

Kemosavi - Orc Shaman - Evolution

Looking for Sejka and Jokaan but anyone can hit me up looking to come back for vanilla


Ehato - Resto Druid in Vanilla, then name changed to Bearmang in TBC and tanked.

Was in a few guilds, Started in the Foot, moved over to a friends guild, then to The Blackwatch, 10 Kings, and then 3 Percent. Theres a few names here I recognize, stoked to see some old faces coming back

Are you the one the used iron grenades in mage duels?

Fakie the hunter from End Game here, also someone else exists!

Baile, Tauren, Shaman. Btag: MrSoftServe#1545

Guild: End Game
edit: 8)


Guild stopped raiding in Sunwell if i remember right, I think we downed the first 2 bosses then it broke up. I know we finished BT since i got a Warglaive and then we broke up shortly after and i never finished the set.

I’ll be playing some classic as horde on one of the pvp servers, not sure which one yet though.

Onslaught/Ons MALE NE PRIEST from VANQUISH here!

VQ will be playing Classic as alliance on Herod. We’ve been playing retail this whole time so we should have a pretty good sized group but still looking for more people though so if any of you old-timers are looking for some kind of alliance/group for raids, hit me up! Could really use paladin/rogue/warlock ATM!

You can contact me through mixer/onslaughtvq or my battlenet @ Onslaught#1285

Nice seeing all these familiar faces!


I don’t know if you remember me, but I was an Orc Hunter named Nisei in End Game (and The Blackwatch early on). I hung out with the VQ bros from time to time in-game and in Ventrilo. I was friends with Crikeystrike and Contumacious, acquaintances with a bunch of others.

There is a high chance a few of us in End Game will be making Horde characters on Herod as well. It’s between Herod and Whitemane.

Shot you a Bnet request. <3

Trying to see if Vander or Zuraax find their way here and lead the way again.

I dunno, Vander is probably some fancy millionaire lawyer now - but if you guys do organize I added you on bnet, let me know where you end up