World Fastest Horde - Naxx40 <Final Boss> Grobbulus/Horde/Hardcore/Loot Council/PvP

<Final Boss> Grobbulus-NA/Horde/Hardcore/Loot Council/PvP
Grobbulus-NA/Horde/Hardcore/Loot Council/PvP
Realm First MC/BWL/AQ40/ZG/Kazzak/Azuregos/Lethon
25 Min BWL
38 Minute AQ40
12 Scarab Lords
World 5th Horde, NA Horde 2nd, NA overall 7th - Naxx40

Transfers to Grobbulus are live - Lets goooooo

<Final Boss> is a guild that has been playing together for over 12 years. We’re looking for Hardcore and Semi-hardcore players to fill out our roster.

classic.warcraftlogs /guild/rankings/475850/latest/

Times and Days

Team 1 - 5 PM to 9 PM PST Tues+Thurs
Team 2 - 5 PM to 9 PM PST Weds+Thurs
Team 3 - 3:30 PM to 7:30 PM PST Sun

Class - Spec - Demand Level

Druid - Resto - Low

Druid - Feral - Closed

Hunter - N/A - High

Mage - N/A - Medium

Priest - Holy - Low

Priest - Shadow - Closed

Rogue - N/A - High

Shaman - Resto - High

Warlock - N/A - Low

Warrior - Prot - High

Warrior - Fury - High

:small_orange_diamond: What we’re looking for PvE: Solid players who are interested in pushing content while also being afforded the option of a flexible raid schedule. Players who have the ability to follow directions and have the drive to be competitive.

Message me on Discord or Battlenet for an interview or apply here - Afa5ARw

Discord - kurthos#8372
Battlenet - Kurthos#1604


I’ve raided with this guild for years, and have enjoyed it a lot

One reply to push us to the sky

High quality group of individuals

bumpity bump bump

Bumping time

Guild is very friendly, when I first joined back in 2016, I was highly encouraged to get to max level, and raid. For classic, a lot of the core that was playing around the time I joined, is returning. So if you are looking for a strong community, this is the place to be.

bumpy road take me home~

Humpity bumpity

hello, I’m interested, former alliance member interested in experiencing high tier content on the horde side this time. I’m planning for rogue to be my first character and shaman as my 2nd most likely.

I’ve cleared through AQ40 and some of Naxx on private servers.

Hi Volbîa, feel free to contact me at my discord Angus#4631 and we can further discuss a possible application for the guild.

Bumpity bump

Meetings grortals

bumping time

Would you accept a moonkin who would come to raids fully prepared with consumables? Or, do you fear large mancowowls?

Lets talk on discord - kurthos#8372

Starting my weekend early today. 45 days.

Bump from Bodio

1 Like

Hunters that are interested in PvP as well as PVE should apply!