<Final Boss>
Grobbulus-NA/Horde/Hardcore/Loot Council/PvP
Grobbulus-NA/Horde/Hardcore/Loot Council/PvP
Realm First MC/BWL/AQ40/ZG/Kazzak/Azuregos/Lethon
25 Min BWL
38 Minute AQ40
12 Scarab Lords
World 5th Horde, NA Horde 2nd, NA overall 7th - Naxx40
Transfers to Grobbulus are live - Lets goooooo
<Final Boss>
is a guild that has been playing together for over 12 years. We’re looking for Hardcore and Semi-hardcore players to fill out our roster.
classic.warcraftlogs /guild/rankings/475850/latest/
Times and Days
Team 1 - 5 PM to 9 PM PST Tues+Thurs
Team 2 - 5 PM to 9 PM PST Weds+Thurs
Team 3 - 3:30 PM to 7:30 PM PST Sun
Class - Spec - Demand Level
Druid - Resto - Low
Druid - Feral - Closed
Hunter - N/A - High
Mage - N/A - Medium
Priest - Holy - Low
Priest - Shadow - Closed
Rogue - N/A - High
Shaman - Resto - High
Warlock - N/A - Low
Warrior - Prot - High
Warrior - Fury - High
What we’re looking for PvE: Solid players who are interested in pushing content while also being afforded the option of a flexible raid schedule. Players who have the ability to follow directions and have the drive to be competitive.
Message me on Discord or Battlenet for an interview or apply here - discord.gg/ Afa5ARw
Discord - kurthos#8372
Battlenet - Kurthos#1604