Laughing Skull Horde Reconnections

Wow that’s crazy you guys are on Rattlegore…Tell Daeminos and Runae

  • mokie of BBz Says hi! :stuck_out_tongue:

m0kie#1559 is the tag. add me up, Probably have to track you guys down in game!

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Just added you Mokie, saw you around on Rattlegore and wondered if that was you. I played a warrior named Penn from TheMercs/BBz. I’m Penn on Alliance Rattlegore.

Speero is on Thunderfury now instead of Whitemane. Early realm pops were too much. Now we ballin.

i used to play an ud mage yoshida i was deists roommate

I remember most of those names.

I played Orkz, Orc Warrior, Dps. - Ex Imperiis.
Also Played a Troll Hunter named Fangz.

I still talk with Virus who was a Undead Rogue, and Moonfade also an Undead Rogue. I remember the Ventrilo, Breaking Benjamin, MC Raids hahaha. Does anyone know if Nagga still plays? Was a Tauren Warrior.

I’m currently playing on Kromcrush with the same character names.

Kiirby Priest Unfadable. Playing on Sulfurad with a few oldUnfadable

Abazabba: Undead Mage
Dark Academy

Xistance Rogue in Vicious Cycle. Looking for those that was in VC

I was in VC for van. Lunchbox ran the guild. I was Xistance

Deadzmcgee in vanilla, was in The Blackwatch and End Game. Bonewall in TBC - Wrath in Fail.

Anyone coming back for TBC Classic?

We were in Unfadable together :slight_smile: i remember you and kes. Its the infamous Beastwacker!!!

Lot of familiar names from world pvp…played mostly alli side as sconoscitoo, huntard

Lotta familiar names in this thread. I played a tauren shaman around this time under Beets/beetemup/Yapok. Shaky on the exact name I had, that character transferred names/realms too dang much. I miss my friends and guildmates from that time, think about everybody a lot. I was in Axis before and after it transferred. if anyone remembers me/wants to reconnect: yapok#1580