Laughing Skull Horde Reconnections

Penthercy! Its Diamonddback Snakeytoos kid. Whats up dude!

Hey All! It’s Victavia! (Undead Warlock)
Server: Laughing Skull
Guilds: Prophecy of the Damned, Dark Academy, Judgment

People I remember: Sabeer, Silentwolf, Zulameth, Angorokil, Ghostnugga, Rosso, Kazzualty, Effink, Algrubev, Starcrusher, Kaun, Xross, Noobgoddess, Vulnerarian, Tonkk, Abazabba, Crizzly

Hope everyone is well! I’m playing on Komcrush/horde guild is Oath of Honor.

Hey there! I’m still around :slight_smile: I remember you and Kaun. I remember his account had got hacked and towards the end of vanilla i think you took off and I got the officer spot haha. How you been?

Hey! How’s it going?

Yo Nanto I don’t know if you remember me but I was Pvtdonut (Troll Rogue) and Laelyne (TBC Female BE Paladin) He is my IRL friend and I’ll see if I cant get ahold of him for ye.

I remember your name! Thank you so much! I’ve thought about him a lot throughout the years and especially more so now that classic is out.

Hello everyone,
I played both a Warlock on Laughing Skull named Aenima and a Rogue named Leeches. Both characters were in the guild The Foot.
I am currently playing on Faerlina(both factions) if anyone from the old guild wants to reunite, send me a friend request Sheldon#1239, this is my Horde account.

Hey, Nanto. It’s healr, you can get a hold of me on Incendius horde side on Kimochi.

Add me, xxxxxxxxxxx

Sent from Cleechie

Hey Penth good to see ya still around man! Seeing all the names from Ex Imperiis is awesome. My battletag is Snakeytoo#1289 if anyone wants to add me.

Yup when Trinny left SAS a few of us joined him and EI was born! Good times, remember racing through Chicago to get home in time for the raids!!!

Lotuso was awesome and I remember that KIll Geroh!!!

Hey Brother!!! Good hearing from you! Add me on battle Snakeytoo#1289.

Hey guys,

I used to play with you guys, I went by drinkbleach back in those days. I tanked and DPS’d with you guys way back then. I was wondering if I’d find any of you guys around this time. Im on Sulfuras - Horde playing an undead warlock this time around.

I remember when your name was Kokedout

First off thank you @Kaivax for this post, On behalf of our former server which apparently still has a huge following at the time of this post its the #2 most popular forum I see on here only behind one other.

Whole lot of Nostalgia and names i see here that bring back memories to say the least, there’s only a few reasons I am even posting on here as most of the people i still have easy access as far as contacting them goes…

but hello again boys and girls it’s mokie formally of …well you already know that if you remember me.

Looking for a few folks,
Got something brewing in the background here now that Vanilla has been launched and there is obviously a lot of people returning to the (best version, imho of the…) game.
Apparently after I quit the game (around TBC Launch) Blizzard finally started getting real tournaments together and some of my guys went to Blizzcon and killed it during the first seasons, Funny enough they did it as Alliance…
Which no offense to VANQUISH,P4L…and yes even Deus Vox :sunglasses:

I find equally funny and infuriating cause i always felt some of the best players on any server were Horde side, during Vanilla, right here on Laughing Skull

If you’re a former BBz and for some reason
I am not able to talk to you already, message me… friend me…whatever.
Same goes for the people who ended up being a part of BBz/Blood/KoC via Laughing Skull recruiting,
Some of the ones who stick out off the top of my head were Obscenitor, Solmyr, Faux…etc.
Lemme know where you’re at and shoot me a message so we can talk.

Honestly I’m really just trying to find the real Yog.
Shoot me a Zug Zug and let me know you’re alive.

p.s. 1v1 me outside org Cuxy, for a good ol classic best mage on the server (According to those “Best of each class on server” posts from forever ago at least) yet always with us (maybe not our guilds) friendly rivarly duel :stuck_out_tongue:

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Wow, definitely getting some heavy nostalgia reading this thread! Seeing quite a few names that I remember. Excess here, Undead Lock. I played on LS TBC-Wrath, mainly PvP. You could typically find me camping the Elemental Plateau or dueling in front of Org. I remember dueling DjPrada and picnic time in Nagrand with Nanto. I’m looking for my arena mates, Fiarus (Undead Disc Priest- raided a fair bit with QED iirc) and Vereth (Blood Elf Retadin)…lost touch with them over the years and would love to get a chance to play with them again.

Galashin, resto druid.

Originally Spinal Tap, merged into Dark Academy.

QED for BC, Power of Friendship (same people) for Wrath. Fell apart in Cata, and joined For Science.

Resto for raid but also hit rank 11 as enhancement
Guild names Axis of Blood/The Dreaded Axis

I think the whole guild transferred to Haomarush at some point.

Fada was Shaman class leader and had Hand of Rag.
We had another Shaman hit High Warlod can’t think of his name though. Use to farm honor with him in the middle of the night when ques were slow.
Veedo was rogue class leader
Mudlaxin was one of the main tanks and had thunderfury

Lost my original account so was hard to keep up with anyone.

Sticko - Horde Warrior
Was a part of Evolution & Unfadable until moving to Accounting during TBC.

A majority of the old guard evolution members are all playing on Fairbanks for Classic. Feel free to add me on bnet or Obliterate and we’d love to catch up with you guys.

PS - where’s my boy Bloodhooves at for some PVP action?
