Laughing Skull Alliance Reconnections

Hi Bel! Collywogs here. I will be playing. Just not sure where. Depends on server times. Know of any other old SL people playing classic?

Decided, so far;
Horde = Whitemane
Alliance = Fairbanks

I really wanted to go horde, but after thinking about it more, i might go back to Alliance. Still thinking about it and what class to even play. If leveling didn’t take weeks, i might not care as much.

So far I’m aiming to be a Warrior and might try to get a group to run dungeons over and over. This would give us many drops(gold) and wouldn’t be too bad in speed, if we had a good group. I hope to level as a Tank, this way and play another class if i cant get a group to tank for, since solo leveling on a Warrior is sad.

Hey man didnt u use to be a warrior in vanilla when doing Molten core?

Colly! i saw above pallydann and couple others were gonna play, im gonna be playin with spanglerr and some other people the server is back up in the air, he said he talks to you every once ina while ill let ya know what server we will end up on, would love to play with old SL with a couple exceptions :stuck_out_tongue: i hope more pop up here

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Hey man let me know what server im down to play with you guys and Colly…

Release is soon let me knoa

Human Warrior - Gatosourous, Played in a few guilds

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Hows it going man! Its Gato!

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Furiana, responding! Oh man…what a great druid! I got some IOM joining me on Mankrik…you are always welcomed.


Playing on Westfall when it pops up in 5 minutes and can reserve names


incendious is a possibility now, its a new one, rest will be nuts

Stinkypillow - Hunter - Laughing Skull
Sleepingjo - Priest - Laughing Skull

We were in the guild TGP aka The General Public for many years. Killed everything from MC to cata raids with TGP. Was a blast, great memories.

If anyone from TGP wants to reconnect for classic let me know. Xionik#1657

Also played in Deux Vox from day one for the duration of MC. If any early members from there want to hook up lemme know. There was a crew from the peg mainly back then.

I’m trying to convince TG and Chittonya they want to come back and play. They both say no but we all know their squishy selves miss it too much.

freebush #1230

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Stinkypillow and Sleepingjo here checking in. Sup

Zanzer known mostly as a druid. GM Stone Circle End game with Devin Crusade. Frequently a camper of Horde. Gotta love human tracking on druids. bliz id: Deathwolf#11544

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looks like its skeram

Tell Chit Gatos says hey

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Hello there! (apache lacan spinoza, idk what other username i used ) and dwarf extraordinaire!

Sitting on a 3 hour queue for Herod.

I had friends make me go horde on skeram. It’s 2 hour wait right now