Hey Nanto what server are you jumping on? I heard Bellecose and Salean are getting on Herod.
RESY!! It’s true we’re going Herod! Hi, Nanto!
Herod it is, we remaking a guild?
I hope so! I guess we’ll see how many are coming back; I saw Durtygnome posted in here, way up near the top of the thread!! Haven’t seen, nor heard from that dude in well over a decade.
Yeah not since TBC
See you on Herod, sir; it shall be glorious!! Less than 48 hours to go!!!
its funny you know craysome and alex. they flew down to Alabama to visit some of my friends back then was a wild experience 12 years ago haha
Whoa. I have not seen that name in forever.
For now, Herod. Subject to change, though and I’m not sure how much I’ll actually play.
Bellacose, that name is so familiar but I can’t quite make the connection, I’m sorry. :< Hi!
Hey guys its Milks the gnome rogue. I was in The Regulators for BWL and AQ 40 as well as in P4L for a short time during naxx. I remember Aayla, ossoi, and many of the others on this thread. I will be playing horde in classic and continue to in retail, but I’m down to play with some old friends! The nostalgia is real right now.
- Milks
Whoa Annara/Arayln? I raided with you two in Vanilla on a hunter named Cirith. I was just looking through old screenshots the other day and I’ve still got lots of TGP action from back then.
Yeah I remember we spoke a few times, I remember Jamaal, hope all is well. Looking like Im rolling Whitemane, same name as always, Cruor. I got my name on like 6 servers, but 95% ill be on Whitemane.
Just reading through this thread is nuts to see people I’d forgotten about playing with.
Freebush was my main, holy dwarf priest, I was in Xploit, Retalitation, Dusk and ended in The General Public. My alt was NoobyBottoms a shaman (I do not remember what spec she was this far out).
Bellacose! I was just talking about you the other day <3.
What server are most of you gonna chose. Would be fun if most of the comunity would go to the same server.
Name: HeavensFury HeavensWrath
Class: Warrior
Guild: The Regulators
Looking for: Lorius. Edbrown
Looking for people from P4L
Im.comming back to classic in a big time pvper. And looking for a guild to join. Hit me up .
oh yeah! Prolly bad stuff!! HeHe!! Good to see you!
MILKS, I remember your little gnome rogue haha. Didn’t we all do barman shanker runs on our rogues with Byakko? Def remember ya.
Man your name sounds really familiar. I was a crappy ret pally named Hybridanimal. Met a bunch of Alabama bois and played with them for a while. Can’t really remember any of the names though lol.
We sure did, I remember those days!
I played a dwarf paladin named Zek and later Chapel. One of the first official “shockadins” in wow. Rolled with a small world pvp guild called “PvP Enabled Inc”. Amityville around?