Aww Aralyn!
Didn’t you make Auranshee ragequit the game after tagging that Winterspring demon for the hunter epic quest for the 2435236th time? It was on some like 8 hour spawn timer and needed to be soloed so you’d moonfire it and despawn it lol.
Whats up Jarlax!!! Long time no seee
What server are you rolling on?!?! And you teaming up w anyone?
so who needs a warrior tank??? huh huh
Who dis ???
crazy good to see my TBC spokesman! come play on Whiteman with Mab n Me
This was my favorite WoW trolling of a world boss
Ah, unfortunately dont remember you… I was a bit young though, Remember people like Culann, Erru, Ricorico and so on. Was hoping to find a group of the old guys and get back together.
It’s me Aralyn, old pal. Allister, Sanos, Argarath, and I plan on rolling together. We should coordinate! We plan on being pretty casual due to real life but we’ll still have some fun times!
Hey friend, been a long time since I’ve seen that name!
I didn’t remember that but now that you’ve mentioned it, it sounds vaguely familiar.
Who was he? Some guy from IE?
I also just killed and spit on some hunter named Bayonetta from End Game laughing skull. Wtf are those dudes still around for? Baile?!?!
Yep, IE hunter. Found it lol. It was a she IIRC, but chat was in reference to you despawning the demon again lol.
And LMFAO, found this as well when you were trying to keep leeroysapren secretly in the guild and Scaley kept gkicking him: i.imgurDOTcom/OnIlKPo.jpg
Hey, Fellow Stacked Deck / Spite as well. I did mostly PvP, but i remember raiding with you.
One week left, boys!
If anyone is still looking for a group to play with and isn’t absolutely awful at the game, contact me @ Onslaught#1285!
Looking for a few people, have not seen them on vanilla friends yet.
Poisiontips - gnome rouge, hangout at weapon shop porch in SW.
Lil and Hunterweir - Screwed Up Clique guild. Human warrior and other dwarf hunter.
Whoopie - night elf something, hope you are still alive man!
Kazin - Ruthless Guildleader during Wraith raiding. human pally.
Was Padrenn the dwarf hunter!
Where is no-leg Breg? I have some water for him!
No one made Araushnee ragequit the game. I took a break from the game when TBC came out due to burnout. IIRC i had no issues with my bow quest. I was paid by people to finish theirs and I remembering having issues with people trolling the demons. It’s all good tho.
No issues, no collusion, no obstruction!
Ahem i.imgurDOTcom/hjM1r4e.jpg
Thanks for showing people Araushnee went offline. Maybe you did de-spawn a demon. I did that quest for a handful of hunters since we could. Was it frustrating at the time? Sure but no one ragequit. Like I said, it’s all good tho.