Man, the names Furiana and Vsanthos are super familiar to me
Man, the names Furiana and Vsanthos are super familiar to me
Hey guys - mukkel (human priest) from In Excelsis here. Still thinking about playing, but travelling the week of release so we’ll see how leveling goes a week later (I’m sure it’ll be a terrible gankfest!)
Danthe - we played together in TR at the same time. You rocked the meters when I was leading MC/BWL/AQ to Huhu with alts and randoms in my SMC guild.
Mukkel!! <3
I’m 99% certain that you are wrong, both about the 40man UBRS (actually 100%, that didn’t happen) and the duration of your stay in TR, because it was both long enough for me to remember you joining, long enough to remember PvPing with the gnome rogue and leaving, hence the “didn’t you cucks leave for IE” because I do remember you leaving over speed of progression in MC.
Like I said (but you left off your last quote), if you didn’t make it into MC with TR then you were probably a slow leveller.
In fact now that I think about it I vaguely remember you guys leaving because not all of your crew was getting into the MC raids. Hence you left for IE that could guarantee you all a spot
I remember it being very difficult to get into the TR raids due to the number people interested. I had to adjust my work schedule in order to have a shot and being invited.
/RA Invite 60
Yeah, my memory is of raiding for 5-6 hours every night for progression, hence the need for a large roster. From what I remember we had 45-50 people on when it came time to making the raid
I’ve hit the ceiling on bickering about insignificant details from 2004, so we’ll just go with your narrative k?
In fact now that I think about it I vaguely remember you guys leaving because not all of your crew was getting into the MC raids. Hence you left for IE that could guarantee you all a spot
While you may vaguely remember us leaving for the above reasons, I distinctly remember one of our reasons being a desire to put some distance between us and a certain insufferable incel who happened to have a leadership position in TR. I’m about 100% certain we made the right choice.
Well the only time you were forced to listen to me was in raids, but according to you, you didn’t step foot in MC until you joined in IE. So something doesn’t add up here
I don’t know what you’ve been doing for the last 15 years but I’m guessing a lot of hallucinogens were involved.
Does anyone else from TR during the period he’s referring to remember these mythical 40 man UBRS raids?
Oh wait, here’s a screen from UBRS, oh you got me that sure looks like 40 people, I guess the other 30 must all be shadowmelded
All i know is that Vio is still at the entrance of MC waiting for an invite
You’re right something doesn’t add up here, let’s examine it a little closer:
What conclusion does this lead you to? Perhaps the mythical giant UBRS raids existed? Though I must concede that they weren’t consistently 40 man raids but basically just every person in the guild available who could enter the instance. You guys even had DKP setup for it.
OK, finally getting somewhere as you now admit there were no 40 man raids
But fking hell, what is this - creative writing class?
I know for a fact we didn’t have DKP set up for UBRS because I designed our DKP system for MC, which came after we had enough people to raid as just TR instead of the early TR/VQ raids
Got anymore Ossoi fantasy stories to share? I know you’ve spent the last 15 years praying for classic so we can be reunited but this time round I’ll be playing on a EU server
It’s true that there was no raid group limit to early strath, scholo and UBRS. After a certain patch they were limited to 10 and 15 for UBRS.
Symm! Hey man, been a while! Funny how we’re spread out over so many servers these days I’ll definitely need to check to see where folks are playing when I get back - Herod looks like it’s going to be a queue-fest. It’ll be like legit classic!
Weird how you never stated any information about yourself or any intent to pair up with anyone, and then finished it off with that quote.
You just showed that your only reason for posting in a “Find Friends” thread was to bicker with people online and rage about facts from 14 years ago while downplaying other’s achievements and overplaying your own. Pathetic.
Edit: Who are you again? You never did say.
Oh look Senlayan is back, last seen appealing for help from the mods and begging others to cascade the report feature with him.
My name speaks for itself.
Yes, it’s factually correct that Deus Vox exploited in order to get ahead.
Progressing in AQ after exploiting BWL for a month is not an achievement.
This is like criticising me for calling out Lance Armstrong for taking steroids lol.
Why do I need to say who I am? Anyone who’s anyone knows who I was on Laughing Skull.
Let’s say I don’t remember and all I have to go off of is “some whiny level 17 druid named Ossoi on the WoW forums .”
Edit: I’m serious, who are you. Why are you avoiding the question?
I don’t have the time to dedicate to raiding like I did years ago. Maybe I’ll make a healer this time. Decisions, decisions