Laughing Skull Alliance Reconnections

Baneberry NE Hunter
VQ to IE to Lethe.

Took over Lethe GM after Arothen moved on and got the small remaining crew their Death Wing kills and mounts before calling it quits in pandas. Its awesome seeing all the people come out of the wood work.



40 man UBRS was that even possible, or are you confusing clearing to MC via Blackrock Depths?

We were in MC by January anyway, with the server first bugged Lucifron kill shortly after.

Former member of XH, TR, IE, Ides, and SMC.
Starting up SMC on Mankrik (Alliance), welcoming all for some quick clears.

Anyone seen Pecelia, Inge, Inga, Brandilyn around?


My favorite hunter when clearing naxx!

Before they added a cap to raid size in instances, you definitely could. I remember doing it in UBRS with Vanquish after DOC broke up. After a few days, I rerolled horde.

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I genuinely have no memory of ever doing 40 man UBRS, although that doesn’t mean much because there’s lots I don’t remember.

I do remember doing MC with people under 60 as soon as we had enough

Hey Strict, I remember you. So awesome to see you. Hit me up for classic.


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Ended up going Horde on Herod with a bunch of people I met playing P99 with years ago.

Yog was my (least)favorite rogue to pvp against. Been so long since I’ve thought about names from the horde side but he always stuck with meeee.

This Yog?


Yup, pretty sure everyone had the same reaction in GC whenever they killed him :slight_smile:

Where’s Lucero?

To the best of my memory, that was my only time encountering them in 1v1 world PvP. Definitely a good rogue; it was a tough fight for sure.

Not confused - my first experience in TR was hopping into a giant raid of UBRS to farm Valor gear et al. We were even smashing Stratholme with big raids at the time. I didn’t step into MC until we joined IE; I remember feign death pulling the Molten Giants at the entrance, every trash mob was like a raid boss :rofl:

Lucero disappeared off our Facebook group about 5 years ago. I like to think he’ll randomly reappear to pocket heal me in WSG like old times :blush:

You’re on crack, TR was the first guild into MC (admittedly because we clearly weren’t ready and were impatient), first Lucifron kill, first epic items off trash and this was literally as soon as we had enough for a full raid and without all level 60.

If you weren’t in those raids then you must have been a slow leveler or something.

And saying 40 man UBRS, nah I have zero recollection of that. But i go remember you DOC joining and leaving. I even remember pvping with that gnome rogue from DOC

Easy buddy, I’m not claiming any of TR’s historic internet points here, merely stating that my first time in MC was with IE. I was 60 in TR, but my stay was short and you likely stepped into MC soon after we left for IE.

Darksol is likely the rogue you are referring to, that mofo had SKILLS.

There was a time you could do strath and ubrs with 40. It got nerfed because it was never intended to be zerged down

What’s up bane. I missed you

Yog was good, but I always thought Phobos was elite.