All doing significantly better than black communities by every conceivable standard according to Federal statistics.
https:// www. federalreserve. gov/econres/notes/feds-notes/recent-trends-in-wealth-holding-by-race-and-ethnicity-evidence-from-the-survey-of-consumer-finances-20170927. htm
I don’t know, because I don’t have the data in front of me, but I can say that NYC public schools spend about $25,000 a year per student. The student population is about 60-65% black and hispanic.
The problems w/ schools goes beyond funding and teachers. The root of its problems starts with families and communities. It is a much more complicated problem than people realize.
Ah, Just like the LGBT community.
Ah, Just like the Feminist community.
Going to assume Black Lives Matter actually stands for the lives of other minority groups with solid proof?
Despite the name BLM is not just about African Americans. It’s about fighting back against systemic racism and police brutality in general. And both of those things affect all minorities in the US. Not just African Americans.
I don’t really care what your “facts” are. Racism is bad no matter who it’s coming from. Enjoy defending racism though!
I think the term is a reference to the paranormal community, or a paranormal event. I could be wrong about that though.
“My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge”
It never fails. That post was about as Karen as it gets.
That is the rub, no one is defending racism.
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I have proof because I have eyes. I have friends of minority groups tweeting this and taking up BLM. Again, you didn’t seem to listen to me when I told you it’s just apart of the bigger picture. Nobody is saying Latino lives for instance, don’t matter. They do. Everybody matters. We’re just focusing on BLM right now, but BLM has been taking a stand against systematic racism in the police force. Thus they take a stand for not only themselves but everyone being oppressed.
Who is defending racism here?
Probably. Just still a funny coincidence.
Can’t have a conversation if you adopt this attitude. Racism is an evil sin. Nobody disputes that. However, a bad act by an individual or group does not justify riots, looting, property destruction or murder.
A racist defending racism? I’m shocked.
Yeah theres a good Joe Rogan Podcast with a young man named Michael Woods Jr I believe is the spelling. He’s an ex marine police officer in Boston (at the time) and he talks about how his department was operating from plans that are generations old that outline specific target areas and families and people, mostly black people. Plain and simple systemic racism, one example.
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And this is how the slippery slope starts to get even more slippery. Pretty soon polygamists, and religious groups are going to be saying the same thing, are you going to say NO to them? The game will become unrecognizable after this all said and done. I loathe politics and real life issues being injected into a fantasy game where most of us go to escape that stuff.
This is the argument that people need to get unstuck from.
Firefighters aren’t going to hose down all the houses in the town because one house is on fire. Right now, the focus is on the Black Lives Matter movement.
That doesn’t mean that Latino lives don’t matter, or any other lives - it just means that people are tackling one issue right now, and they’ll then focus on another issue after that; sometimes they do it simultaneously.
We saw it with the Occupy Wall Street movement back in the day - when people start branching away from the initial thrust of a movement, it loses momentum, and then no one gains any progress.
We need targeted, focused movements, that we can build off of.
BLM will solve this. Tear down Jesus statues! They’re racist symbols.
The way peurto rico crisis was handled was a travesty and showcased deeply rooted racism in America. (And I can only speak for the country I’m in)…
The only way to change things is to vote. An absolutely game-changing number of minorities didn’t vote in the last election and we are all suffering the consequences. Minorities want to make it better? Vote. It’s 100% in their power to make things better.
Are you actually going to explain how he is being racist?
Because I have seen nothing racist in his posts. Unless I missed something?