Latino Lives Matter Too!

He just had one with Bret Weinstein, and it was pretty good.

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Funny how the systemic racism mainly takes place in cities and states where Democrats and liberals are top to bottom, running everything. They ARE the system.


Don’t even bother

Systemic racism has existed in the country since before political parties were even a thing. It goes far beyond just a Left or Right issue.


Shh, don’t use facts.

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A majority of the population in this country lives in those areas, is this supposed to be a hot take? Believing that democrats are a homogenous group is just as idiotic as claiming republicans are a homogenous group.

The stupidity im seeing in this thread, Jesus Christ how is this still open?


Not familiar with the interview, I will look it up. Thank you.

Racist according to BLM.

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You realize the majority of Black Americans self-identify as Catholics?

Please cite your source for this hilariously untrue hot take.

“Everybody matters”

You just said, "BLM kind of stands up for all oppressed minorities despite the name. ". However, the only anecdotal evidence I got from you is “I have eyes”, and claim to see friends of other minority groups tweeting up and taking up BLM.

Who made you or them to be the whole advocacy of one’s race? You merely stated an opinion.

If White Lives Matter or Latino Lives Matter or Police Lives Matter existed. Would you take a stand? Obviously, you will respond with a “yes” just to not feel negative, but in the whole society’s concise. There will be objections and collisional viewpoints.

I care about human lives, not about one’s race. I don’t need BLM or any silly organization to justify a point against the government system. Martin Luther King wrote to him “I HAVE A DREAM” speech because he finally wanted a day, where all men prosper together without the judgment of one’s creed, race, and gender. And, yet today human beings still pit against each other based on how one is born rather than one’s personality.

And, please don’t always see what is in front of you. Social Media is only a grain of what is out there.

Thank you.


Voting only helps if there is a candidate worth voting for. Just look at the way both sides have handled current events… politicians just jump on whatever bandwagon they think will get them reelected.


Twitter account of Sean King, one of the “movement’s” leaders.

So just say All Lives Matter to cover everyone.

You’re right. Because of Puerto Rico’s corrupt politicians hiding essential supplies in warehouses, the people suffered.


Yeah? So that worked out 3 years ago for minorities? Then why are we complaining at all.

Bruh r u srs

God needs to hit the reset button, send 2020 out with a bang with another Great Flood.


All donations that go to BLM go to an organization called actblue

Actblue only uses it’s money to elect democrats into power

Please donate to something else if you wish to help the cause


Um… Twitter is your go to source of info?

Yikes lol

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Not saying it did. Neither candidates were worth voting for then either.

The problem is that the candidates put forth are those who are covered the most by the media. The media will cover those people who they can control / influence the most. That is the problem with politics and elections in this country - it doesn’t have to do with parties, it has to do with media.

But it undermines all african americans and their movement apparently e c k s d e e if you even try to say this so either you stand with BLM or you’re a racist, god i love it.

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