Latino Lives Matter Too!

BLM was formed by avowed Marxist with the express goal of destroying the US. The founder is on video saying so… So no All Lives Matter isn’t a way to subvert the message of BLM. BLM is a political tool. Look at the statistics, interracial killings is no where even remotely close to Intra racial killings. Wanna support BLM? Fine but at least know what you’re supporting…

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I don’t, I know why BLM exists. To funnel money to their White, Democrat overlords.


It’s not even a theory. It’s just a fact at this point. Most people who wanna whine about cops focus entirely on the few bad ones. They intentionally ignore the reasons why we need law enforcement in the first place as well as all the good cops who risk their lives to keep us safe.

See how easy that is? You’re blind if you can’t understand how hypocritical you are.


This is a game forum, companies only care about money, dunno what do you expect or want to achieve here other than to vent? and make a bunch of ppl mad, troll you etc, dont think you will find much empathy here, just have to understand that companies will just jump at any cause that make them look good or is good for bussines (right now is the radical left trend), god damn guess turning the tv off is not enough to get away of all the insanity.

Sure some dummies out there misrepresent all lives matters but in the case of this being about police brutality, I am always stumped to why it was racist to see all people as equal. Instead it’s racist now lol, that word has been thrown around so much it’s lost meaning.

I’m from latam and I do not agreed with this racial nonsense. We are all Wow players.

Nice false equivalency.


It’s always been a thing. But you would be lying if you tried to say it hasn’t gotten much worse in recent years.

What is depressing is some of the people I spoke to at the protests don’t fully understand what is going on or what they are truly protesting. They are in essence pawns.


if you know its always been a thing then why did you blame trump for it?

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Companies exist to make money. Donating gives them publicity and a tax write off. It may be cynical, but for the most part, it’s true. Sure, there may be plenty of people at a given company that care about the issue, but the gesture made by a company is for other reasons.

If I was to make a guess it would be due to the fact that he doesn’t back down and try to make nice.


Because it’s only as bad as it is now because of him. It’s always been a thing to certain extent, but only in the last 4 years has politics infiltrated every single solitary facet of everyday life.

And that’s because of Trump.

96% of back men who are murdered are killed by other black men. 118 black people were shot in Chicago last weekend including a 3 year old. Their lives don’t matter.

Cops arrested tens of millions of people last year. They killed 1004. 40 of them were unarmed. 9 of them were black.

Racial discrimination is a crime. Unless you’re an Asian trying to get into Harvard.


I’m afraid i’ll have to disagree on this one. Social media has really taken off in the last few years and has given people a platform to say whatever they want and it can be broadcast to many more people than if they were to do the same in say, a local park where everyone knows not to engage the drunk guy screaming about the space vampires.

Oh no dude, didn’t you know you’re supposed to be Native American when you make these bait threads.

You coulda scored big, RIP 3/10

I agree the inter-webs and the ability to spread half truths, out of context information and outright lies has exasperated the problems.

By the time a full picture is formed and presented people have already made up their minds.

Ah I see we have arrived at the “black on black crime” portion of the program.

I’m shocked. :roll_eyes:

You keep saying this but have given zero evidence.

If you are going to claim something as fact, cite your sources

At least he is giving facts and statistics, unlike someone who is just spouting stuff without evidence.

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It’s a fact though? Are you really going to die on the hill that the Latin people have equally suffered under the weight of racism and oppression as Black Americans have?

That statement in no way devalues their experience, or deny it’s existence, it’s just an acknowledgement that the magnitude of suffering is not the same.