Latino Lives Matter Too!

If we want to be fair the racial divide exploded under Obama.


The problem is that racist seem to think that by saying Black Lives Matter you are saying that other lives don’t. Which is not even remotely true. It also doesn’t help that racist trolls keep pulling the “White Lives Matter” or “All Lives Matter” cards whenever they can.

It’s ridiculous.


You are right actually. It did. But only because a certain portion of the country just could not handle the fact that a black man became president.

Trump however made it infinitely worse with his divisive politics and outright racism. So now politics has bled into every single solitary aspect of life as a result. Nothing is safe. Not even video games.

It was a post to make people smile. Use your humor! Take everything with a grain of salt.

It has been a crazy year so far for everyone, naturally we are ALL little burnt out.

And I am especially burnt out on pretentious know it all’s on a crusade to shame others!


The Black Lives Matter movement exists because systemic racism (against colored folk) exists.

You’re making U.S.A sound like one giant hole. :o

My theory is that they just don’t like black people. If I start a fundraiser for lung cancer nobody will tell me I think other diseases don’t matter. But I say something as simple as black lives matter (because they currently are being treated like they don’t matter) and people still refuse to comprehend that I’m not saying other lives don’t matter.

It’s called gaslighting. Notice that they only bring up Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter whenever people say Black Lives Matter? It’s a way of trying to shut people talking about injustice up.


Around here until there’s nothing left but a dent in the earth and some fluff scattered on the wind.

The media decides who’s lives matter. Right now, that is BLM.

Without the media blowing things vastly out of proportion and egging on protesters to do more “interesting” (read: violent) things, BLM would be nothing.

Everyone knows that ALL lives matter - that includes black, latino, white, asian, gay, straight, alphabet, police, 1%, 99%, cats, dogs, furries, etc. The media pushes certain agendas in order to get views. They get views by inciting violence and angering everyone.

This really doesn’t have anything to do with democrats vs republicans.


It is a giant hole. Everything has gone to hell here in the last 4 years in case you haven’t noticed. It’s a shadow of a shell of itself.

Last 4 years? Nah, the sweep it under the carpet method has started to fail and there is too much under the carpet and it’s starting to leak out everywhere.

This situation is similar to that of the teenage deviance in the 1990s. Overblown reports and misuse of statistics led to an emotional response resulting in policy changes. This is despite the fact that criminologists provided data showing a drop in overall crimes among teenagers.

The main problem is the ignorant and emotional public, and the inaccurate reporting of the media. A dangerous combination that influences major aspects of American lives.

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It’s not even a theory. It’s just fact at this point. Most people who wanna whine about BLM focus entirely on violent rioters or protestors. They intentionally ignore the reasons why BLM exists in the first place as well as all the peaceful supporters of the movement.

They only focus on the extremists because they know they can’t just come right out and say they hate BLM like they really want to do. They have to find excuses to hide behind to support their bigotry.

This entire thread is a troll thread because Skinwalker’s made multiple threads making fun of the BLM movement before.

I also question his intelligence because he doesn’t seem to know that “Latino” isn’t a race and while a lot are mixed natives because of Spanish colonialism, some are black and some are white.


Yes. There was so much racial harmony under Obama.


This is stupid. It’s AZEROTH, not earth.

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You can’t honestly accuse one side of being myopic without acknowledging the other side doing the same exact thing.

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yup. trump sure did invent people posting politics in irrelevant areas much to the chagrin of others. That defs wasn’t a thing for all of human history or anything.

It could also be said that BLM focus entirely on the very rare occasion that a police officer uses excessive force. Look at how many arrests are made every minute of every day - now look at how many of those have excessive force / unjustified killing.

Not saying racism doesn’t exist - it does, but this is a pretty good example of people focusing on the extreme.

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