Latino Lives Matter Too!

What??? So Latino lives don´t matter according to you??? what a racist piece of… human being you are :rage:

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Are you joking, being sarcastic or did you actually not get my point?

I honestly can’t tell.


Do Eskimo lives matter?

Yes, Inuit lives matter, generally.

It’s not the police’s job to kill people.


Yeah their culture is going to be greatly affected by climate change

That’s an incrediblly racist/outdated term, yo.

It’s a word from their native language that means snow shoes, apparently. Not really racist.

I’m an equal opportunity kinda guy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

People used to think it meant eater of raw meat but then they found out it meant to net snowshoes.

So, from the roots it is for sure a racist term and they prefer to be called Inuit.

Edit: They are also changing the name of Eskimo Pies.

Seems like the word was first thought to be “eater of raw meat” which was why people thought it was offensive. But then linguists said that it means “one who nets snowshoes.”

Edit: what Lights said

I happened upon this recently, relevant because it speaks universally:

“The old world is dying, and a new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.”
– Antonio Gramsci

Like in a thunderstorm, opposing forces clash until an equilibrium is reached, and calm weather returns.

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I’m not a fan of these race topics because you dealing with a game full of trolls that know they safe behind the keyboard. Just go in any trade chat and right away you know this topic opens up the door for people to start spamming racism

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You’re right, it’s not. But putting criminals on a pedestal as martyrs for a cause is a bit disingenuous. Especially when there are a lot of other people who weren’t. Even a lot of other ethnicities too. But no, BLM makes it out like it’s only blacks and ignores the fact most were criminals.

It comes off more often than not as an anti-white or pro-black movement than a group wanting police reforms. Especially with the people constantly wanting to erase history.


I don’t see how that’s racist. European names as an example are often depictions of your occupation, associations or life choices.

As someone who doesn’t know much about their culture or have friends or family (from that culture) that I can reference to, I don’t know either.

nope. don’t think so.

Calling them a blanket term as “criminal” is disingenuous.

What law was Breonna Taylor breaking? Philandro Castile? Elijah McClain?

BLM doesn’t make it only about blacks. Took 5 seconds of googling to find them denouncing the murder of Daniel Shaver.

What makes you think that?

There’s a difference between erasing and not actively celebrating history.

If you don’t know who famous slave owners are because there’s no big statues of them, or no roads or streets named after them, that’s on you.


The roots of the term were derogatory. It’s racist. You really don’t need to know anymore or go any further than that lol.

Well, it’s just a bit curious. I used to work with an Inuit girl who would say she was an Eskimo. I’ll have to tell her that she’s racist. Thank you for letting me know.

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