Latino Lives Matter Too!

yeah sorry. went off topic there.


Morgan Freeman said the way to end racism is to stop talking about race.

He doesn’t want to be referred to as a black man and he isn’t going to refer to whites as white men.

They’re both just men.

Created equal.

I agree.


Even the worship of Baal or paimon sitri or beleth??? Astaroth or Lucifer?

I never understood how anyone can warship any deity who demands to be worshiped. My mother seems to believe that I won’t go to heaven if I don’t believe in Christ. Why would I want to believe in someone who punishes me for not believing in him? It’s pretty sadistic actually.

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All life is about a choice between Lucifer and Jesus .

Some Protestants believe this, but it’s antithetical to the teachings of the Catholic Church. We believe that people of different faiths, or who have no faith can go to heaven. It depends on what you do with what you’re given. Of course there this whole discourse about “invincible ignorance” vs “vincible” ignorance.

Well if Lucifer is the default option, then I guess that’s the way I’m going.

My mom’s a “Jew for Jesus.” I think it’s funny that that’s even a thing.

YAWN. Next post please

personally, i dont think thats how it works. if you believe theres more, then there’s more. if you don’t, and make it clear you don’t,then there isn’t. you judge yourself essentially. and you’re judging this timeline of yourself. hehe. there may be other timelines of yourself, where the judgement is different because your life experiences are different. /goes all metaphysical, waving her hands around like a street preacher in an ufo conference. :innocent:

I like that, thanks.

awww, sweet. who knows, you may be abraham on timeline number 78. lets see if this timeline is worthwhile. he’d be like dang. this place is crowded, noisy, but the food is delicious. haha

My mom seems to think the people at her church think she’s extra special because she is one of the “chosen people.” And my mom LOVES being extra special.

If you really feel excluded or discriminated because pixels dont have your “race”, then you really must have realnlife issues. I rrally hope you do ok at the end.

A peruvian.

What even is this thread wow, we started with talking about ethnic representation, moved on to capitalism vs communism, then race issues, now we’re debating religion?

Where will this rollercoaster take us next?

The only thing that matters is Politically Profitable Lives.

Politics is nothing but a chess game, where the most ignorant are the pawns.

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she is special. :sparkling_heart: so are you.

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Well. The Jews were all about waiting on the messiah 2000 years ago. They’re still waiting. Some have come to find Jesus. It’s all good :blush:

oopsie. hehe

Come to think of it, that would actually be a good basis for a divide in WoW lore.