Latency and Oceanic servers @ blizzard shard transparency

Is there anything that can be done to give transparency too the amount of latency each toon in a group will experience and too what area/shard a group will run a mythic+ in. I have quite a few “declines” due to " you might cause us lag" because i’m oceanic based. Which based on my observations is untrue unless i’m the group leader.

I bit of transparency here might go a long way to allowing Oceanic players in to groups that understand they won’t inately affect their own latency.

I dunno how it works.

All I know is due to the way sharding/grouping/something works, Ive learned to stay away from several Oceanic servers. Lag is so bad I often just DC. Or best case I can play with a several second delay between hitting a button and action resolving.

Wish it wasn’t this way.

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This is my experience. They are wrong.

Is there any blue post that states that the group leader hosts the shard? I see people say it but I’ve yet to see any actual evidence.

I don’t think the group finder itself plays any role, ie it’s the party leader, just as though you were hand inviting your friends from different realms. The group finder only provides a clearing house for you to find party members of your choosing.

Example: I have 5 accounts. I have characters on multiple realms. By putting together a group with 5 unique crz’s, I can use invite/uninvite macros to camp rare spawns on multiple realms, then kill as a group. Only the group with the OCE party leader is entirely lagged. Otherwise it is just the OCE character that experiences lag.

there actually is a command to see which server you are on but I forgot it

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this is why i think some visibility via the blizzard interface would be helpful

I’ve never heard of that! I’m googling this now, that is interesting.

I think I found it!

Does that look right?

that wasn’t what I used - one of the tech MVPs gave me one to use back in legion. It was done right at the windows command prompt. In legion I would keep on getting stuck on oceanic servers and would have to hearth to dalaran and log out before it would correct. Tech didn’t think I was correct so had me give them this information and then they admitted I was indeed on oceanic.

I am sure you could probably hunt that up on the internet but the first three digits indicated the server and you would have to know which was which from blizzard. Just don’t remember that from 6 years ago.

Actually this might do it - if you modify the instructions to actually do a find of the server you are connected to. The addresses might be valid though.

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Ah got you