Late Night Raiders REJOICE!

For those of you who may have started that masters program, or popped out a second youngling recently- >Friends of bill< is here to provide each and every one of you the opportunity to raid like in the good ol’ days.

My Story:
I started tanking in Wrath, right around the time of ICC I was 14 at the time and just grateful the team let me squeak my way through Arthas. It’s obviously been a very long time since Icecrown, but my love for the game and the community has remained. With a new work schedule, a lady at home who likes dinner cooked for her, and a Degree that won’t earn itself- I’ve got to create time for myself to enjoy the things I love. Hence the late-night raid team.

If you can identify with me, or find yourself looking to bring back the glory of your younger years, reach out!

Raid Times
Tues 11:55PM-2AM CST
Thurs 11:55PM-2-3AM CST (Just incase we want to get that one last boss before bed)

If you’re interested in learning more about this casually heroic (possibly mythic) raiding guild, reach out to:
