Lastest Disc Buffs Kind of Bite?

While being a step in the proverbial right direction Disc still needs something, huh? The latest video on the subject I’ve seen put both priest healer specs dead last at the very bottom–at least for M+. And yeah, I know… Who cares? I know what you’re all going to say…

In the end I guess it could be much worse. Anyhow… All the best to my fellow Disc posters for your help and comments the last few years. You guys know who you are. Myself, I don’t even log in anymore and won’t be getting more game time.

So no more of my posts and endless rants. I wish you all well. Good luck and have fun!


Which game will you be playing in the meantime?

I like how Disc is getting tuned for the better but I personally would really like added more mitigation. More barriers tbh.
I’d love it as a another side of healing by damaging enemies.

Tier lists aren’t relative until you’re pushing high keys because that’s when groups start becoming meta-compish. Holy/Disc are ranking low because were the only healers that didn’t get a revamp, no interrupt, and Disc in particular has been very undertuned.

This is basically how DF started off. Disc ended up with a revamp and Holy got more hotfixes then I can count on my hand in just a couple of months.

Blizzard’s just not going to tweak healers until we get some data coming in.

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Changes seemed good. Disc is solid. It is not meta in dungeons, especially pug dungeons, no. Likely won’t be meta without insane buffs because shaman/pally are so strong atm.

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I guess the part that I find sad is that most of the specs in the game have had at least some season where they were in the limelight. HPriest in Shadowlands, Mistweaver DF S3/4. Pally DF S2, Prevoker DF S1, RSham Shadowlands, RDruid almost every season… But Disc I don’t think has ever been meta? In the entire history of M+. At least I cannot remember any instance of it.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong but the closest we’ve ever been was the first week or two of BFA? Then they immediately nerfed us into oblivion. It didn’t even last a few weeks, let alone an entire season.

I liked playing Diablo 2 R recently and played the original back in the day. But after completing it and filling up my banks with the highest of runes I quit. I’m now writing daily, working hard, hoping to complete a fantasy novel.

Thanks for asking, pal!

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It was very good in legion, and it had a couple meta points in dungeons.

It was also good enough to be taken to competitive keys in late BfA though I wouldn’t have called it meta, there was a group using it at least.

The traditional problem has been the raid/M+ split because Disc has been raid meta for a ridiculous number of tiers now.

If you can all stand in PW:Barrier then disc is meta for raid, that’s basically it lol

Bro… the ENTIRE Priest class is trash right now, and Blizzard doesn’t care. The 11.0.5 patch notes prove that… but hey, they made PW:F cheaper… because that matters somehow.

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It’s been meta for raid pretty much every tier even those that have scattered fights outside of like… SL T3 and some of DF where it was super undertuned for healing and Holy got the personal resets. But it also was doing very well in TWW Beta testing, so I have no doubt it’ll be the priest of choice.

PW:B is great, yeah, but also you’re going to take a priest for Fort, and disc tends to be the best spec for it in RWF because it does the healing you want, brings some damage to the table and has good externals (for raid).

Disc is meta for raids because the entire spec is a glorifed raid CD with less of a CD than your normal raid CDs. That with Fort+PI+Barrier are why it is taken, not because the spec is actually good.

It fills a niche role that honestly for the health of the spec needs to freaking die so it can actually be a complete healer.

“Disc is taken to raid because of these features that make it good. Not because it’s good. Don’t get it twisted”

Ok then.

“Disc is taken because its design shoehorns it into a specific purpose no one else can fill as oppose to be a generally good and well designed healer like every other healer in the game”

I forget I have to be very specific with you or you completely miss the point.

Tldr disc can, and often time has been, bar none the absolute weakness healer in the game and it was still a must take because no other healer does what it does. That isn’t good design that is a crutch that both props it up but prevents it from running.

It is not a good thing, or a good design.

You can just say you don’t like disc.

It’s not hard to do that, and it’s definitely accurate for you.

You always make these objective statements that do not map onto reality for most people that play the spec currently because you truly want that opinion to be objectively correct. It’s not. Even if I acknowledge Disc has had problems (and it has), we’d totally disagree on the majority of them. So there’s no point.

Strange my “opinion” tends to line up with the objective reality of what we see in game. Sadly though since that objective reality disagrees with your opinion you fail at every turn to acknowledge it and instead try to deflect, much like you are doing now.

The other thing you are wrong about. I actually love disc, and the priest class as a whole, and have since I started playing in TBC. That is exactly why I call out its problems and call a spade and spade when it comes to its terrible design. You see when you care about something you don’t settle for it being anything less than the best it can be.

I don’t settle, but you have time and time again defended this trash…I wonder what that says about how much you actually care about it.

Again, there’s just no point, lol.

I’ve played Disc every expansion in dungeons (where it’s super bad and objectively a terrible design) through its literal worst points in SL. I played it in late BfA, I played it just after rework, and I played it toward the very end of WoD. I even played it way back in WOTLK and Cata (though on an account I lost in middle school). I just think you’re flat out wrong about what its problems are/have been.

Because you’re not objectively correct anymore than I am. There’s no point in talking about it. You consistently fail to see that your opinions are nothing more than that and will argue tooth and nail about “bad design” and how hopeless the spec is, while lauding its old implementation when it was barely even a spec, up till it was a 2 button healer - which - I’m going to be honest, I found to be the worst times for Disc even when it was horridly overpowered. In the same vein as I found Holy to not be very fun in late SL when it was a 3 button healer. Or Early DF Evoker for the same reasons.

I think the spec is fun. I think it has some flaws, those flaws rarely if ever overlap with what you perceive as its flaws (and I think some of what you say is just absolutely NOT good for the spec - and I’m hardly alone there, you’ve gotten in a lot of fights about it that had nothing to do with me). Leave it at that.

Except for when a change comes down the pipeline and I call out the effect it will have on the class, you try to argue I’m wrong, then the change goes live and it has the exact effect I described and you continued to refuse to accept said reality and try to defend it. Hell the most recent of those was S3 dragonflight when I was pretty much shouting it from the roof top, which lead to those “fights” with others you are talking about, in which I said nerfing Discs damage and buffing it’s healing would completely ruin the spec.

You and all those others said “no it doesn’t need that damage” and low and behold the patch goes through and Disc is irrelevant the rest of the expansion with it’s only purpose being to serve as a glorified raid CD since no other spec in the game can do that. Then the salt in the wound came thanks to Shadow being good in M+ and disc was just a complete joke by the end of everything. One of us saw that coming and fought like hell to stop it, the other is you who thought it was a good change.

That is the objective reality that you try to say “is my opinion” but I’ll tell you what if my WoW “opinion” was a lottery ticket I would be a multi-time winner and you would still be arguing at the gas station over if the numbers on the ticket where real. It’s also just one example, if I dug back into our history I could find several over the years because it’s happened literally every expansion I have come back to.

Flat out you don’t understand the difference between a DPS healer, which is the actual design of disc, vs a healer who does damage which is the box you, and sadly blizzard and much of the community, try to design and balance disc around which leads to it being so bad so often. The fact you can’t accept that no matter how many times reality proves you wrong on it is just sad.

This didn’t happen??? What happened was something I said would happen the literal day those changes dropped, which was Disc would become reliant on its tier set and Mindbender. It was so reliant it got voted again in S4, and lead to pretty terrible issues come TWW when the tier was gone.

Also nothing you’re saying NOW was even reflected in game. What are you talking about? Disc remained top damage in raid through all of Amirdrassil. It was the second place healer in Amirdrassil and did the top healer damage through all of 10.2, 10.2.5 and S4. Like actually what are you even saying??

Disc did damage the whole time. It never lost top damage in raid spot. Shadow being good in M+ does tend to remove Disc and Holy from meta groups yes, that’s because you don’t need double priest utility because priest utility sucks and always has. Still don’t even know if Disc woulda been meta if you kicked Shadow out, but that’s completely irrelevant to talking about overall class balance and design. Because it’s pretty COMMON that many top raid specs are not the exact same as the dungeon specs. When the Spriest Mage Aug Hpala god comp got made, Spriest was the literal bottom of the pack in raid. They were like 5th from the bottom.

Are we just rewriting history now?

A spec that is dependent on borrowed power because it is unable to function on it’s own. And you are trying to say it didn’t ruin the spec.

Let me be clear, in a raid setting Disc will pretty much always be top damage because it’s pretty much the only healer that can do constant damage. That is irrelevant and attempting to go to a raid setting for such an argument only further illustrates my previous point in how you would jump through every imaginable hoop to avoid admitting you are wrong.

The only place healer damage matters is M+ because it’s the only place healers, aside for disc, are actually expected to constant DPS. In that setting by the end of the damn expansion freaking Holy priest was doing more damage that disc. Someone is rewriting history but it isn’t me.

This happens with every class, the issue was when Shadow as nerfed PRIEST as a whole was removed from meta groups. Disc was literally the bottom of pretty much everything relegated to it’s obligatory raid CD spot.

Sit back and think about that for a minute. An entire class was gutted to the point the only reason it was brought was because of 1 singular purpose that no one else could fill. That is literally a pity slot. Classes/specs should be brought because they are actually strong, not because they are literally the only class that can fill a specific role. Hell even Blizzard used to play lip service to the idea of “bring the player not the class.” Honestly I wish they would either rework, or create another healer that could fill discs role. The second they do Disc would vanish from the game for how bad it would be exposed.