Lastest Disc Buffs Kind of Bite?

The hyperbole is rampant.

We’re not where we want to be, but we’re fine.

You probably won’t see the MDI teams take a holy or disc priest, but they are going to be fine for 95% of runs.

Once more data comes out, we will probably see some numbers adjustments. Just wait and see. :person_in_lotus_position:

Buff CD reduction of void summoner, ease up on reductions in atonement healing within raid. Disc fixed.

I said back then it would hurt the spec in the future. You didn’t say this about the rework, you were fixated on damage, something the rework didn’t lack. You’ve always been focused on the spec doing more damage than other healers per global. People have always argued with you that it would make the spec too valuable as it was back in Legion Nighthold and it’s precisely why the specs are balanced this way.

And disc still is doing a lot of damage there with voidweaver. If you don’t run voidweaver your damage is still OK - especially on boss. I was running Oracle (the weaker in damage of the two) all night and generally am doing pretty decent.

Holy priest was doing damage because it got buffed repeatedly until it was the highest damage healer per global. That’s completely agnostic of the disc changes. Hpriest would have gotten those anyway and Empyreal blaze would always be a crazy amount of damage, because they got those buffs.

So you didn’t play DF or even pay attention to it at all. Because Spriest never left the ‘god comp’ even after several rounds of nerfs. Spriest was always in every top group outside break the meta.

Again though, this is worthless. You’re going to continually assert things that didn’t happen, continue to complain about an imaginary balance point that a ton of people disagree with you on. Continue to say your opinions are objectively fact and totally inarguable, etc, etc. Back onto the ignore list since it obviously timed out.

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To be clear, hero talents aren’t borrowed power. They’re a new system that will carry into the other expansions.

The rework gave it appropriate damage, the kind of damage disc should always have, and for a time disc was strong and fun making it popular but it still wasn’t even the strongest healer in the game at the time.

Low and behold none of that “too valuable” nonsense you and others talked about ever came to pass, and even still blizzard responded to the ignorant outcry that blatantly went against the reality of what we saw in game. The reality is the vast majorty of the time utility is more valuable than damage, but when a spec isn’t allowed to provide either, like disc is, all you get is the handicapped hobbled mess thr spec currently is.

Do I focus on the damage? Damn right because that is literally discs thing. Disc not having high damage would be like gutting HoTs for a druid. It is integral to the spec and without it, it does not function properly.

Disc, and the priest class as a whole, is lagging behind other classes right now expressly due to its poor design, and poor balancing. The thing is all blizzard will likely do is bring up the numbers, and like a trained seal you will clap “thats all we needed” like usual and the perpetual problems will continue.