Last week of Rank? Pre-Patch?

Did you get this as an answer Shiftyz or are you just using info from the blue post from 2006 (which is interesting). if there’s an answer I’d like to tell the people I talk to who don’t use the forums. if not I’ll keep bumping threads.

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RE: Moo

It should calculate, if it does not, there will be a lot of pissed off people and blizzard would of screwed over alot of people


RE: Moo

tips over cow

I see you blue posters blue posting >:) dont forget about us PvPers

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Keep bumping these post until either the 18th or we get an answer

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Want a blue post about this

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As I was acquiring my four hours of beauty sleep whilst ranking, a thought occurred to me:

Would it make sense for PvE progress, loot, farming, professions, quests, etc to count for the week but not PvP?

Food for thought (:

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Bump, please Blizzard I’ll have r13 in the bag if the 18th counts!!!

There is now an official confirmation


So does that mean we can buy the rewards a day early? That would be awesome since I should be getting rank 11 this week

I read it as ‘you dont get to grind till tuesday morning, you get to go to monday morning then further HK/Honor is not counted’.

Yes, I read it, it sounds like they are completing the calculations but not giving the ranks until the 18th as normal. Asked for calefaction on the other thread

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So looks like from May 11-May 17 will be calculated only for rank titles only. Once the prepatch hits on May 18th the gear is purchasable with marks and honor and rank titles are nothing more than cosmetic.

This last calculation today was the last day to get rank for purchasing of gear.

Top-notch communication there Blizzard.

You don’t even come out and confirm the leaks until the content is literally two weeks away from dropping.

Then, you don’t clarify how the changes will be applied; will honor count the 18th? Will you extended ‘ranking’ until June?

((Given the short notice it would have been an excellent move to extend Vanilla-era Honor System until June 1st.))

It was a trash move by Activision-Blizzard. 2 weeks notice for rankers and not enough time for people to take time off work or level their toons?

They lost ALOT of hype, free subs, and good advertisements with this botched release date.