Last Minute Ret Thought for TWW

Hey guys, this is one of my last minute thoughts for Ret Paladin moving forward into TWW…

Would love to see our class fantasy better outlined and fulfilled. I think one of the ways to double down on what we excel at would be to override Cleanse in our Class Tree with Emancipate.

If we are locked in to limited mobility, in the form of no instant gap closer, then please allow us to remove slows on ourselves at will.

For Templar specifically, would still love to see Unrelenting Charger auto proc a free Emancipate on ourselves when summoning our Divine Steed in addition to its current effects.

Overall, the Ret class fantasy should be our strengths in removing things that hinder our/our teams movement.

Blade of Justice auto applying Consecration is also interesting. Thinking in terms of PvP, this could provide some nice synergy with the PvP talent that allows Consecration to cleanse movement impairing effects.

Tying both of these in while also maintaining Unbound Freedom in our Class tree checks off the boxes to me.

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That is why we have BoF.

Sorry, we should not be taking steps back-wards. We should be looking at other avenue’s to get what we need.

I’m confused by this. How would granting us Emancipate and triggering an automatic Emancipate from Unrelenting Charger be taking a step backwards?

I’m a bit out of the loop from a break. What other avenues are out there and what do we need?

So when I mount up on my Steed vs that pesky Warlock, who Amp Curse of Exhausted me, it removes that debuff and he’s able to Mortal Coil me 130% faster in the opposite direction!??!

From a PvP Perspective at least, I don’t think there’s anything more Paladins need in terms of movement speed or freedoms. I think the problem simply resides in Z-axis movement and the range on our interrupt at this point.

If you want to enhance Ret’s Freedom capabilities, its probably best contained in Freedom itself so that it doesn’t become overwhelming.

I think creating a different talent that reduces the cooldown of Freedom, on a choice node with Unbound would be more beneficial. But that’s just me. :smiley:

In PvP this is a horrible change. It forces AoE in ST situations, where it can break CC. It removes the Paladin’s ability to get people out of stealth and counter things like Shadowmeld and Camouflage.

It removes the skill cap of using Consecration to remove snares from allies, especially when fighting classes with offensive dispels, like Mages.

Hallowed Ground being tied to Consecration-- tied to Consecrated Blade-- often is used on targets out of reach of the Paladin due to the range on BoJ. You hit BoJ on someone 20 yards away, but you aren’t close enough to get the benefits of Hallowed Ground so it does nothing.

From a PvP Perspective, this was just another very short sighted Ret change.

(Unless a new PvP Talent is introduced in the next few weeks to revert or takes this change into consideration.)

Simply by going back to old band-aids for paladin mobility, freedom covers emancipate’s niche these days with ot having 2 charges. The issue with it is that it is purgable, and that is a problem.

The most popular one is giving us a leap to what you have targeted. There is some that is requesting an teleport too, but that is gery shadow steppy for my tastes.

Look up Steed of Glory, its a Protection only PvP talent, would fix every issue.

Yeah, basically a Shadow Step, or more accurately a Shadowstrike. On HotS (blizzard IP) some of the paladin looking characters from Diablo have short range versions of what were are talking about. Something like BoJ but we move to the target and do the stabbing ourself. Paladin is slow because Blizzard made it a ranged spec, but we are not a fast ranged spec which also exist.

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It’s hard to feel like a juggarnaut if your not smacking ppl in melee. As such blizz needs to restore the melee in the melee class.

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I’m just brainstorming that it wouldn’t matter as much that steed fails to funtion during all CC, if we had a medium range gap closer in our damage rotation.

I’ve always felt that the type of range we have works best for kiting other melee. There are some specs we just aren’t going to be able to chase no matter what.

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Yeah, no. We’re fine with our range attacks.

Everytime you try to gimp us, I’ll be here to counter. Get used to it.

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I’m not here to gimp us, I’m here to bring paladining back to paladins.

Us being ranged is not paladining.

It doesn’t have to be in our rotation honestly. A simple skill that brings us to our target button is enough.

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YOU don’t define what paladins are. Blizz does.

Then don’t range when you fight. No one is forcing you.

YOU don’t define what paladins are, Blizz does.

Everytime you try to gimp us, I’ll be here to counter. Get used to it.

Well since ret is losing its only real buff i fully expect retribution to be in top 5 dps overall for raid and m+. If it isn’t this expansion has failed and it will be my last.

Retribution finally was on a path to being good and now this. I get the range removal, but blizzard better give ret some compensation for that loss.


The fantasy genre defines what classes are, mot blizzard unless they come up with a new one (such as evoker’s)

Paladins in the fantasy genre is difined as holy warriors. Not holy dancers with big weapons which is what blizz is making them look like.

In fact that IS what blizz defined them as too, holy warriors.

You’re paying money to Blizzard, you’re playing THEIR game, you’re playing with THEIR characters, but “The fantasy genre defines what classes are, not blizzard”???

Are you serious??? :roll_eyes:

You’re insane.

Geezus krist, you can’t make this stuff up.

Don’t have any skin in the game but this logic is goofy. If blizz defines what a paladin is, and that makes paladins more melee than ranged, then what are you gonna do? Be a melee simp now (as your logic dictates). Because from what I understand they are still getting rid of the ranged increasing talents.

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This isn’t rocket science. I’ll play whatever game Blizz puts out because it’s THEIR game and they make the rules, whether it be pure melee or semi-ranged. Otherwise, for players to whine about what a class should be is asinine.

Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard that rumor from other non-paladin players as well. But, until that happens…

1 Like there it happened.

It is not particularly worthwhile discussing unless your taging @wowdevs to thank them or complain that they made their version of Paladin to be a plate wearing priest that occasionally is in range to do a melee auto attack.

Whether you love or dislike having less mobility but more range than most melee, and no Disarm, MS, Grips, or instant mobility. Blizzard will decide what their version of a paladin is regardless. Sharing our opinions isnt inherently harmful or beneficial because the Devs dont make large sweeping spec design changes by request.

Knowing my opinions affect no one and no changes, I still have some. I dont dislike having range, but even with it there are particular specs we have to fight and situations where instant mobility and MS would help greatly. Some hold the opinion that Ret damage isnt just “enough” but that it is exceptional… I disagree because my hunter can do MORE damage than Ret while having MS, more CC, 2 knockbacks, near instant mobility with disengage and a sprint, invisibility, and suffers far less CC while I kill folks from 70 yards. Made a hunter because I was sick of getting torn to bits by them when I played Ret, and I never went back since.