★Last Hope LFM 8/8H 3/8M EP W/Su 8-11p 6h★

Last Hope of Sargeras (formerly of Thunderhorn) is a semi-hardcore raiding guild formed nearly eleven years ago by a group of friends interested in high-level content in World of Warcraft. We have a number of players who participate in PvP, and a great collection of “Friends and Family” members who play casually and enjoy the social aspects of life in a guild, but end-game raiding is our focus.

We are casual in terms of the hours we play, but not in how we approach raiding. We work as a team, and every raider is expected to contribute to the group’s success. We expect players to keep their main toons in top shape for our level of progression with appropriate specs, mods, gems, profession perks, enchants, consumables, etc. Two-way Discord communication is required, and raiders must have hardware that will not adversely affect their play. Our Leaders post boss strategies on our guild forums and members are expected to review them and offer feedback before we attempt encounters. We expect players to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of their class. Nearly all of our raiders are proficient theory crafters who stay current with all of the relevant class and strategy guides.

We’re selective in extending invitations, and we continue to evaluate players throughout their time in the guild. We expect all of our raiders to perform at a high level, and when members fail to meet expectations, our Leaders will meet with them individually to discuss strategies for improvement. Most of our Leaders and long-term members are adults in their late 20s to early 40s and understand the need to treat members with respect and dignity. We don’t, however, allow consistent under-performers to hold back the entire group.

We strive to keep the atmosphere in our raids professional and focused, yet relaxed. We enjoy some friendly banter between players, but we try to keep it within reason so as to make the most of our time together. Since we don’t raid longer, we have to raid smarter.


Main Progression Raids
Wednesday - 8:00pm to 11:00pm CT (9:00pm to 12:00am ET)
Sunday - 8:00pm to 11:00pm CT (9:00pm to 12:00am ET)

Alt Runs/Fun Runs (which are optional)
Saturday - 8:00pm to 11:00pm CT (9:00pm to 12:00am ET)

Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid.


Our BfA Progression as of 8/20/19 is as follows:
BfA: Azshara’s Eternal Palace: 8/8N | 8/8H | 3/8M
BfA: Crucible of Storms: 2/2N | 2/2H | 0/2M
BfA: Battle of Dazar’alor: 9/9N | 9/9H | 8/9M
BfA: Uldir: 8/8N | 8/8H | 7/8M

Previous Progression (on Sargeras):
T21: Antorus, the Burning Throne: 11/11N | 11/11H | 11/11M
T20: Tomb of Sargeras: 9/9N | 9/9H | 7/9M
T19: Nighthold: 10/10N | 10/10H | 10/10M
T19: Trial of Valor: 3/3N | 3/3H | 2/3M
T19: The Emerald Nightmare: 7/7N | 7/7H | 7/7M
T18: Hellfire Citadel: 13/13N | 13/13H | 13/13M
T17: Blackrock Foundry: 10/10N | 10/10H | 0/10M
T17: Highmaul: 7/7N | 7/7H | 1/7M

Previous Progression (on Thunderhorn):
Mists of Pandaria - N/A
Cataclysm - 4th Overall (2nd Alliance)
Wrath of the Lich King - 5th Overall (2nd Alliance)
Burning Crusade - 8th Overall (5th Alliance)


We welcome applications at lasthopeguild.com from players 18 and older who share our approach to the game. We will always consider exceptional players regardless of class. Currently, we are actively seeking the following:

1 - Priest
1 - Shaman
1 - Warlock

1 - Shaman
1 - Druid

0 - No spots available

We routinely receive applications from players from other servers, we strongly encourage you to schedule an interview as quickly as possible following the submission of the application.



  • Ability to fill your role exceptionally and always be one step ahead
  • Ability to maintain 85% raid attendance
  • Ability to take criticism and improve upon your abilities
  • Know your class and be able to keep up on changes
  • Most importantly, have fun and enjoy raiding!

What We Offer:

  • Guild bank repairs
  • Flasks, runes, food/feasts, potions
  • Gem/Enchanting materials
  • Fun raiding environment
  • High-end M+ runs
  • Socially active guild
  • Alt runs/Fun runs


If you think you are ready to find out what end game has to offer:

  • Stop by our website: lasthopeguild.com
  • Join us on our Discord
  • Post here and we’ll follow up
  • In game: Glutose (Gluteas#1142), Nervaa, or Solrix

Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.

I’ve been raiding with these people for a few years. They are great and I really like their raid leader!


Bump. Open Recruitment for all DPS classes! Apply today!

i use to raid with these guys very chill they have this warlock missdotteh shes so awesome and fun i love her and i want her to be my wife

1 Like

Would be interested in chatting with someone, SniggleJake#1764

Bump. Recently 8/9M and seeking a couple more sexy bodies

:honeybee: Bumble Bee Bump :honeybee:

bumpity bump bump

Still looking for great ranged and healers to join - check us out!

Should be knocking down a few more mythic bosses this week - still looking for great DPS and healers! Fridays and Saturdays are N/H fun runs!

On the lookout for another healer and a few more DPS!

Looking out for excellent healers and DPS!