Larian Studios calls out Blizzard

No we knew of the dispute and that they couldn’t come to an agreement. They didn’t tell anyone until late January that they were gonna have to save down their information because it wasn’t being put anywhere else.

As a matter of fact 1 million people applied for refunds for Dragonflight. So they had pre-ordered it.

Refunds aren’t counted towards sales…


My entire point was china hole effected sales.

This tends to prove my point, yes?

Right. So their pre-orders were counted and they still didn’t sell as much as SL.

If the pre orders were refunded… why would they count?

Because most of their sales are in pre-orders and refunds don’t count against that.

Source? On this?

If a game is refunded - you didn’t sell it

Do they? With mods able to create campaings and extra stuff, they dont really need to add anything more and I doubt they are going to make a sequel in the next 10 years.

Sure as long as people like it and I think they will. I’m just saying sales alone doesn’t mean your next games gonna do well.

Looking at you shadow lands

When they go by their quarterly reports, it doesn’t count refunds. It counts gross.

Gross sales are calculated as the total sales before discounts or returns

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Blizzard always finds a way to spin their numbers. Every expansion is always better and more popular than every previous one (even when it’s obvious that they’re not).

Like how BfA was promoted as the “fastest-selling expansion”… by counting the number of sales “through launch day”. Meaning they counted all the pre-orders from people who bought it months in advance to access allied races (which required pre-order).

Now, you can say that’s a lot of copies, but… “fastest-selling” when you’re counting a sales period OF MONTHS? Get out of here with that silliness.

(But what else are they supposed to do? Sales for BfA were 3.4 million “through” launch day, counting all those months. Warlords of Draenor sold 3.3 million copies in just 24 hours.)

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We only know that they currently have no plans for an expansion and we know that would take a couple of years at the very least to make. A complete sequel is another +6 development time.

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The Long Dark launched in 2014 and story mode STILL isn’t finished, 9 years later. :laughing:

Yep. This was a “last minute” crap deal it looks like.

It wasn’t just blizzard. the same company backed out of their CCP games deal the same time.

And CCP rolled out an extra special chinese new year event too. Pretty sure if they knew 6 months out they’d not have done this.

As eve players being eve players got real sarcastic. Cool…its the chinese event, with no chinese market players!

They put enough in they had to let it roll on I’d gather.

This feels like an artist who draws one super amazing painting every few years calling out another who does moderately good paintings every few months.

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Please provide a link.

It was in their quarterly report.

In Activision Blizzard’s Q4 2022 financial results, the company said "early Dragonflight sales have not reached the level of the prior expansion ". The new World of Warcraft expansion failing to meet or exceed sales of the previous expansion is a rarity for the franchise.

Dude, just go play Baldur’s Gate and leave us in peace. Thanks


They stated it had less sales than SL like 1-2 months after release.

If it has less sales…it have less subs for retail. No game no sub. Unless someone really wants to play SL eternally anyway for a pure retail run. It could happen, I guess.

Here we can split hairs all day long granted. I see retail for very limited times. But I am subbed. 3 games 1 sub. I have era as the 3rd game.

To get my tendies and see the store. Sometimes I hit an ashran. I can miss the place.

I am not subbed for DF per se. My Mau’s will show majority classic time.

But knowing blizzard, they lumped this to 1 number. As I am pretty sure the execs don’t care why I pay $15. Only that I pay it lol.

Now if like the past 2…10.3 will wow me. I never emo rage leave. I jsut wait for ripcords now. Classic at least is a cool enough place blizzard makes some money off me till then.

Sadly that’s a reflection on just how awful Shadowlands was that it drove away so many players, likely permanently.

Which is a shame, constantly how good Dragonflight is, with exponentially more content, no borrowed power, flying from hour 1, the best content release schedule of any expansion to date, and the best designed city in the game.

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Stick to the context of it.
Yes, it is the first game of its kinda that pulls the numbers that it do, and the fact that it continues to remain around their peak numbers, and even exceeds them a week after, tells an even grander story.

Word of mouth, good reputation, and a full-feature game release will do a lot of good, clearly.

Lots of advertising? The only thing it had going for it was a 3 year early access period for only the first act of the game - that turned to word of mouth. Granted, I do not watch TV, but it didn’t have ‘lots’ of advertising. It had community panels, but who but those few thousands that are interested in the game, would watch those? That is not advertising.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is way too easy. You are absolutely right, atleast compared to the Pathfinder games.

It is a problem whether you buy them or not, their existence alone diminishes game quality, but that is an old, ongoing rant that people do not seem to listen to at all, for whatever reasons.

“Just don’t buy them” that is good, but my game is crapped up anyway because developers are not getting the time to perfect the game, because the money do not have to be earned through good reputation and good products, they can sustain themselves just by the whales that do buy microtransactions. It does result in crappier products for the customer, whether people want to admit to it or not.

It had what… a single DLC?
I hope for expansion packs for BG3 at this point, I want to see what other stories could be told in the same universe.

Indie games are games released by independent studios. People trying to define indie games as simple ‘low budget’ games is very unfair.

But it is that simple. Do the company release their own game, do they own themselves? Then they are indies.

Simple being ‘high budget’ does not change that.

I… honestly wish I had not bought into reviews like these for Dragonflight. I largely stopped playing Dragonflight after trying out the dungeons, they were dull. The RP scene lived up a little, which helps… but damn, the expansion is dull and uninteresting.

Blizzard is… kinda on the right track… I will have to see if they can keep it up for two more expansion. I skipped out on Shadowlands completely, never bought it. I will skip out on the expansion following Dragonflight, and then I will watch the expansion after that carefully and see if Blizzard is sticking to their current path.

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