Larian Studios calls out Blizzard

I didn’t need to refute that lie.

And then its mod tools. BGS usually drops creation kit a month or so after. And then it gets interesting.

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Posting in yet another garmuck troll bait thread.

They have work arounds. Asian classic players have reported alot their server is unplayable (more like eternal waits on qeues at times) since they slammed them after cutoff.

So some Chinese shot over to taiwanese servers (what wow’s asian servers are) if they could. I’d gather Retail picked a few up too.

Dude. BG3 has a lot of time wasting activities.

I bet I can guess!

Its like people have a choice?

They aren’t sitting there doing nothing waiting for a good game. They are playing other games because they dont have a choice.

Turn-based combat seems like a waste of time activity :joy:

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real men and women played shadowrun! But I’d played d and d in whatever the rule set was say 1989 last. They were good that I recall.

Now for those refinding the joy of these style of games Hairbrain schemes shadowrun games here were pretty good. The come up on steam sales too.

I’d have hong kong the better of the bunch…but try them all. We all got our tastes here after all.

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I mean, it’s too soon to tell one way or the other of its longevity. But you’re correct that people who’re poo pooing or downplaying its success are wrong


See and I feel like that ruined the final fantasy series… action r p g


My point is, that it doesn’t need longevity, single player games make the vast majority of their sales on the first month or so. They are also not designed to last for years, you just play it and be done with it.

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Okay, I really have to know, in what way is BG3 indie?

Because we’re talking about a game using one of the most prominent settings in Dungeons & Dragons that was developed by a studio that has been making CRPGs since 2002.

But on the topic of this thread, the whole argument about “devs complaining about BG3” and “Larian calling out other devs” is being perpetuated by some schlub at IGN. People really shouldn’t be buying into this crap.

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It was known that it was going to happen though.

Why would someone buy a game they couldn’t play in two months?

Or mods. They add spice for many rerolls.

Mods are here for this now…maybe more added in time. As a mod author, trying to be anyway, I always beat the game no mods. Then I fix it up. I draw up a list of ideas then go in later to fix them.

Look at skyrim. I have converted some new players to the way of the dovahkiin (or the sole survivor of fallout 4) many years later. That still brings in new money for bgs.

Unless they really need to do it by hand I show them jsut how easy vortex is from nexus mods site. Other mod managers work fine too. Vortex most stuff jsut works not even thinking about the laws of logical load order.

Well you’re going to need something to get people to buy it again (sequel or similar type game). That’s what they mean by flavor of the month

It wasn’t known that it would happen. It was a deal that fell through. Lots of WoW players were caught off guard by it.

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Quick google search indicates otherwise. We knew at least a month before the date that it wasn’t getting renewed.

We knew about the contract issues. Not that they were gonna go black to the point where people would not get their characters or anything back.

No one expects china to china until they china.


We knew servers would go dark one month before they did.

It was not that big of a surprise.
Blizzard talked about “backing up characters” even.

The issue with dragon flight is that they couldn’t make all classes / spec playable. This means out of the 30 possible specs, only like 5 are viable. That’s incredibly boring for the other 25.

For example, if I picked BM as the spec I want to play. I’m excluded from end game content (both raids and m+)

The most interesting part of the game is excluded from me.

No surprise this why DF failed.

Wow succeeded before in previous tiers. I remember the glory days.

Content got better.

Spec balance got worse.

And here we are. Numbers speak for themselves

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