Larian Studios calls out Blizzard

I think we can trust EA on this.

All we can do is support gamer focused projects and not support monopolistic micro transaction focused projects. And it looks like someone has finally put out a good AAA product again.

Sucks so much it’s literally the most popular edition of the game.

Granted I miss AD&D 2nd edition myself but as a DM I’ll tell you I announce a 5e campaign player interest is far greater and it’s just no work to fill a game with players. 2e not so,

I do make 5e tougher though with homebrew.

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Not a surprise, Shadowlands was bad first of all and Shadowlands also had massive nostalgia bait that DF didn’t have plus Covid times.

That said AAA gaming is really damn bad right now. I think as a rule the gaming space usually suffers under massive company leadership, this creates quarterly earnings and unreasonable deadlines to reach which in turn causes games to be lackluster. Games are usually better under the “It comes out when it comes out SoonTM” philosophy but this simply doesn’t work with big companies as there are expectations of making a certain amount of money quickly instead of waiting and making a product that will sell well but will take a lot of time to make.


That is also the reason that microtransactions are a bane on the game industry.

Exactly because it is a get rich quick scheme. All you need is a mediocore to just slightly bad product, prop it with microtransactions and you are good to go.

This has happened to many games with microtransactions, World of Warcraft included, as one would notice the quality of WoW having drastically decreased as the microtransactions store grew.

Microtransactions creates a buttload of profit, which in turn creates a higher expectations of even higher profits next time. This results in cuts in staff, less time put into a game, worse working conditions, more unpaid interns, and an increasing store to sell power ups or cosmetics while robbing the game of cosmetic gear that could otherwise have been designed to be obtained in game, or just creating a game where purchasing power is a necessity.

Microtransactions are profitable
 but they are NOT consumer friendly in any shape or form. Not as a pay to win mechanic, and also not just as a ‘it is just cosmetics’ shop.

I don’t see what they have to “call out” since their business model is practically the same: create bad games, overhype them until they sell, and ignore all feedback about them.

Missed a step.

Have strict refund policy to turn down refunds more. iN this way the quarterlies look much better.

Oh you had this for 1 day, x hours, used your preorder stuff,
refund denied.

Why I question “sales data shows/showed”. Yeah fallout 76 sold well for release too. BGS was real tight with a buck over refunds. It made X million dollars!

Ofc it did, most of the player base couldn’t get their money back if they wanted too.

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Now, I’m not really here to criticize, and I am going to get the game when I can afford it to play it because I’m looking forward to it.

Tears of the Kingdom sold 10 million copies in 3 days. (I played the crap out of that game as did a lot of others I know). It was pretty polished when it came out and had only a few minor bug fixes. Nothing really game breaking.

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Folks misconstructing posts made on X and trying to cause drama? :sleeping_bed:

This. :point_up:

I don’t know why people like Garmuck want to cause needless drama by pitting games or game devs against each other (Which should be flagged for trolling imo) instead of
 idk, play the games to have fun?


Yeah, honestly, i feel the same with Elden Ring, even to this day.

“Oh my god, not only it’s Dark souls but open world (
Yeah, it’s like we didn’t have a time where every single franchise, even The Sims, are turning Open world”, AND it has no mission markers so i don’t feel forced to do them?! :scream: (So
 turning the hud off essentially means better game?)".


Money talks. Blizz is in Triage mode with WOW
 They have started to realize if they dont catch up, players will continue to walk away.

I was gonna post saying inb4 someone defends Blizz cause “games cost too much”. Yeah, billions in profit, costs too much huh.
Idk how the hell actual customers defend the laziness and greed of billionaire companies, it’s insane.


I assume there is supposed to be an ‘against’ in there.

But game devs are good at doing that to themselves. Ubisoft devs crapping on Elden Ring when it released, because it was popular, and now devs are showing to be afraid of Baldur’s Gate 3 raising a standard to a level that was the default back in the day, when people expected feature complete games and not half-baked games that would only be feature complete after you also purchased the 5 additional DLCs on the side.

“This should not be the standard” oh yes it should be, the standard should indeed be to give customers a full product, and not half-baked crap coming out of a suit’s dirty backdoor hole. It is time that devs and executives realise this.


The Blizz devs just don’t have the passion that the old team did. It’s not the same now as it was. It was about making a great game in the past. Now it’s all about money.

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WAAAAH, WAAAAH, video games are hard to make QQ.

Imagine a bricklayer whining about his back, feet and hands hurting all the time when you complain about the house you just paid to have built “bricklaying is hard you know! Stop complaining about the subpar product!”

Do your job, stop complaining, and if it is too hard then quit doing it
 if you can not put a little bit of ambition and care into your work, then the work is obviously not for you.

And video games are indeed expensive, but can also pull in a lot of revenue if you just do it right
 although with microtransactions existing you don’t even have to do it right anyway.

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Edits that in.

Thank you.

And that’s ideally where it should end, with Devs only caring about this and the players shouldn’t have to be dragged or even join their tirade dramas. And OP is the perfect example of why we shouldn’t.

Either Play the game you think it’s better, or don’t. Trying to cause this sort of drama is clownish.

And no offense, but i have no need to join in your conversation about this. Good on Elden Ring and Balder’s gate 3 doing well, but i think this whole drama is nothing more but narrative pushing, because we can’t just play our games. Or give feedback without constantly pitting games each other and treating it like it’s a life or death competition, the most anti consumer thing you can ever do that’s more akin to Console Wars, then genuine feedback.

The whole fanboyism makes me sick sometimes. :face_vomiting:


Every expansion WoW has ever released (assuming Dragonflight is even in the same ballpark as any of them – all we know is it didnt break the record) has sold more copies than Baldur’s Gate 3. I doubt they care too much what Larian is tweeting.

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Don’t know
 I quite like it when the customers join in on the drama.

It is spreading the overall word. We have had many new people coming into the gaming scene, where the normal thing was to have half-baked games released and then sold with 5 additional DLCs to complete the game. Or even single player titles that are receiving cash shops, and as a result the game itself is being made into a grindy mess - Shadow of War and Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey comes to mind. Hell, even Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla turned out to have crap looking armour in game due to them selling better looking armour at their store.

Us joining in on the drama spreads the word that there is, obviously, a better way to do gaming and that can hopefully result in better game-buying habits which will give us a better game industry.


Then i highly doubt you’re in it for the fun of video games then or want games to be better then. (That’s not to say Balder’s Gate 3 is bad, by all means it’s doing good. The thing is, so is a lot of other games with good review scores)

I get people want games to be better, and sure, i do too. But the game industry needs more variety, not just following whatever leader there is, like what they have been doing for the last 20, nay, 50 years even.

GTA has been the proverbial leader to follow for many open world games to follow because that’s where the money goes. What do you think they will do with Balder’s Gate or Elden Ring?

Hmm I think it’s important to care because it’s clear that blizzard is releasing lacklustre products and has been releasing lacklustre products for around 10 years.

The last great game from blizzard was Starcraft 2.