Larian Studios calls out Blizzard

Yep, those yachts and jacuzzis on rooftops don’t pay for themselves.

I have a feeling that Starfield will be the next No Man’s Sky

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I agree that the average AAA dev can do better, but the ones complaining about Larian aren’t wrong that BG3 is an anomaly.

It’s not an anomaly through luck, it’s an anomaly because pleasing shareholders is a far greater desire for most studios than ensuring the ridiculously high level of quality that Larian wanted for BG3.


Lol the cope.

Do you live under a rock?

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I disagree. 5e is a lot of fun.

Honestly, both sides have points.

Baldur’s Gate 3 IS an anomaly. That doesn’t mean it SHOULD BE. We should be improving in more than just graphics quality.

Instead the only other thing honestly improving, are profits, because they have to nickel and dime everything out of you.

And I want mag’har to look like this dangit.

Soooo… there’s 3 of them now and I’ve never heard of it. Must be super great.

Me and my friend talked about this the other day.

Not 100% sure why Baldur’s Gate 3 is suddenly a surprising standard of a game that was released, actually finished, with no unnecessary microtransactions, when games like Elden Ring, both Zeldas, and both God of Wars also exist and were finished products. The only difference being Baldur’s Gate is a comparatively niche product in gaming (how many big turn based top down RPGs are left at this point?).

Thus why I feel whatever good lesson to be learned, you know release a finished product, don’t just make it a repository for microtransactions ect ect, will likely fall on deaf ears and we’ll instead get more games with bear sex thrown in because that’s what gets the tweets and the likes on the Bookface.

Heard that was just save scummers?

Which I honestly don’t feel bad about, mostly because games aren’t designed to be reloaded in rapid succession every 4 seconds.

I know a couple game devs and they’re working paycheck to paycheck.

I wouldn’t say luck. WotC is REALLY ridiculous when it comes to the quality of products they license out the IP to. If it were a completely trash game, it never would have been released, because Wizards would have shut that crap down ages ago.

I’m quite impressed by the difference between EA and launch Act 1 already and I haven’t even gotten much play time in yet.

You gotta be living under a rock. Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2 were top BioWare games before they went to crap.

They’re also probably 20 years old now.

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Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of some of the erm… choices they added to the game(did we really need four different types of male parts? among other things) and being of the “wrong” political persuasion I cannot appreciate an entire chunk of the character creation, but they did do a lot of things right.

And the bear … thing is all sorts of screwed up.

Yes, they should. Also, the devs of MMORPGs like WoW should foster better rapport with their users. A great start to this would be the reintroduction of in-game GMs.

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My point was, the actual lessons will be completely missed in favor of the one that will be perceived to push better sales.

Releasing a fully finished, polished game that players can play from start to finish and have a good experience that will likely get them to spend more money later should you release a follow up or perhaps an expansion or DLC? Hell no that sounds like effort.

Releasing a half finished game with a cash shop but we stick in funny meme worthy elements that will grab people’s short attention spans long enough so we can funnel them into the shop with a addictive gameplay loop? Hey DJ! Turn up the music! Plays All The Way Turnt Up


Totally get you on this one.

And will earn less money as a result. Don’t kid yourselves, profits are all that the vast majority of companies care about (by law they’re required to if publicly traded). One of Blizzard’s most widely despised games of all time (Diablo Immortal) is also one of its most profitable of all time due to the way it’s monetized.


Sort of. 20 years ago I was 10, and I didn’t have access to internet until I was 17. :sweat_smile:

I see.

Yeah they were really good games for the time they released. I got into them a bit late and the old D&D rules are a bit… 2nd edition sucks okay, but the story was pretty good.

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I’m still kind of sore about housing. Seriously, Palia housing is what WoW housing could have been. Actually, Palia in general is what WoW housing could have been.

I’m all in for a WoW 2 at this point (call it Azeroth though). I just feel a reboot is needed (as long as I can keep my characters).

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You typically don’t get to keep them between games when they make sequels for MMOs.

All that said, when your release library consists of Warcraft 3: Reforged and Overwatch 2 you deserve to be called out by anyone. From other AAAs to low, no named indie devs. So I’ll play the world’s smallest violin for ActiBlizz’s feelings here lol


Not to mention, was in open beta for about same amount of time