Larian Studios calls out Blizzard

I am going to try Baldurs Gate. Hopefully it lives up to 1/2 the hype


Easily the best game released in the last 10 years.


I think BG3 will release an expansion in the next 18months, which is more relevant than a full on game. If ABK are making WoW2 or some other game then i expect it to take 6 years like other major releases

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Thatā€™s why I donā€™t prepurchase cars. I wait and buy used

Well, you are living under a rock then. Baulders Gate 3 is being heralded as the best game of the decade by countless sources. The fact that you are posting on a gaming forum and are oblivious to the title speaks volumes.


When WoW is your primary game in 2023, you know theyā€™re too far gone. So many good releases, but theyā€™re stuck finding LFG groups.


ā€˜not worth tryingā€™

Devs donā€™t have the luxury of quitting a job because of a bad boss. At least, a large number of them donā€™t, anyway. Itā€™s a rather full market and a lot of devs that work for Blizzard are stuck living where they are and canā€™t afford to move. Their only hope for the most part is that they can get snatched up by Riot Games or something, but unless theyā€™ve managed to get a decent resume under their belt thereā€™s a very high chance they arenā€™t even on their radar.

A job like a carpenter is much more likely to find work elsewhere, and as such has more luxury in being able to prioritize their pride in their work over what the boss tells them to do.

What Iā€™m saying is, while it is true we shouldnā€™t give all the devs a blanket free pass, as there most surely are devs that are perfectly content with doing the bare minimum and just doing a shoddy job, we also should not be condemning all the devs, either, as there really are clearly plenty of devs that are passionate about their work and take pride in what they can do, too. Like, as a reminder, how Garrosh only got a sendoff in Shadowlands because one guy spent the time making it happen in his offtime.

Since thereā€™s no way of telling which devs are which, our focus should be on the real source of the problem: the people in charge.


and in their financial situation, which is why they donā€™t have the luxury of quitting their job

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ā€¦are you really promoting being homeless?

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Decades ago. Right. Because that really reflects the world today. Anyway, Iā€™m done with you. Anyone who suggests being homeless in this day and age is more ideal than trying to hold on to a steady job (regardless of if they are looking for a better job or not) is not worth the time.

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Ok, boomer

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hahahaha, kidsā€¦

If you only knew.

If it was first edition again the correct answer to everything would just be clams.

I find it interesting that people think BG3 is some new standard to hold games to when Red Dead 2 and Witcher 3 were more impressive on multiple levels and came out years ago.

BG3 is definitely a GOTY contender, but it is overhyped as the best thing ever.

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Itā€™s definitely up there with those two along with Elden Ring and Tears of the Kingdom. There have been several games in recent years that have been top notch. Unfortunately there are also the Cyberpunk, Avengers and Anthem type games as well. And they are tarnishing AAA.

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Good thing I donā€™t run dungeons, because Iā€™m having a blast with open world questing, scenarios, and events!

BG3 is rated as the #1 game of all time on Metacritic.


Did they fix the bugs with players being hardstuck in the campaign yet?

For the future quality of games is why you should care.