Largest pets

I am looking for the biggest pets that can be acquired. I spec BM and want the most annoying screen blocking pets in WoW. What should I tame?

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Most clefthoofs, plaguerocs, dinosaurs are all pretty massive

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Go get Horridon. You won’t be disappointed.

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` This one is pretty large and easy to get.


Embedded the link for you.

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If anyone gets my kodo shrunk by posting these ima be steamed :rage:

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Word association is fun.

… Help me, I’m bored at work twiddling my thumbs right now.


Have you tried working?


Working at a restaurant. It’ll pick up in about an hour. Only so much I can do atm.

Was wondering why it was taking so long for my burgers.


Pff, what do I look like, a Tauren?


I find that the pet size has little to do with the original critter size. I’ve had some beasts get smaller as pets and some get much much bigger and it doesn’t seem to be related to the original. The biggest beast I ever tamed was a rare clefthoof from bc and it shrunk down smaller than a bird I tamed which got shockingly bigger.

Also I would recommend getting the Big Red Raygun toy, it doubles or triples your pets size.

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This explains the over-size mounts occasionally seen. That is, if the toy works on mounts.

Don’t think it does.

This explains the over-size mounts occasionally seen

That’s probably the World Shrinker toy.

I have clefthooves (rhinos from Northrend) and they are pretty good at blocking my view. Elune forbid I get that damn pet food buff in Torghast. AAAHHH WHOLE SCREEN IS RHINO

Thanks. I’ve wondered.

Now this, BM pets maybe causing a problem for some melee, is something I’ve seen in Dungeons. I remember one comment: “Just how I wanted to spend my afternoon, with my head up a dinosaur’s butt.” Lol. The BM was running two Tyranosaurs?, so yeah, the view of the Boss may have been impeded.

You people are the reason hunters don’t get invited into groups

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From my understanding, mounts scale to a degree based on the rider’s size. Thus a mount is [somewhat] smaller for a gnome versus larger for a tauren-- you can see this in cities when different races have the same mount next to each other like the auction house or vendor mount.

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