Largest pets

I try to be conscientious. Whenever I am grouping and not pet tanking, I replace my Clefthoof with my cat if I want a ferocity pet out.

Well, what was in my mind, was being outside the AH, and it seemed people were having a ā€œbiggest mountā€ competition. I wondered if maybe that toy was used. I need to try the World Shrinker.

You have to have Engineering to use the World Shrinker.


Thereā€™s still potions and other effects out there that will stack. I still remember the time back in Legion when some nelf managed to glitch(?) their way into becoming taller than a three-story buildingā€¦ for about 20 seconds. Was flying to the tauren city in Highmountain (Legion xpac) when I spotted the giant character sticking halfway through the upper roof.

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Boggle, my hunter gets about 3 to 4 raid invites a night

So that means you get kicked from at least 3 raids a night?

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There was this tremendous caterpillar in pandaland, I think it was an exotic. Huge.