Largest 2handers that still drop

I am looking to farm some obnoxiously LARGE 2handed swords. Might consider other 2handers, like Maces/Axes, if super obnoxiously large. I started in 8.3 so haven’t farmed much older content at all or know where they are. Would like 4 or 5 options if you guys don’t mind!

Anyone? :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance.


There’s a big 2H mace in BRF.

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And then there’s me… I’m so tired of weapons being larger than my characters.

I wish we had options to make them smaller or larger on our characters.

I’ll give a look around and see what I can find for you, OP.


Look for Armageddon, or that one from Island Expeditions, Plundered Blade of Northern Kings. They’re among the biggest swords I’ve seen that would be relatively easy (though likely tedious) to obtain right now.

For locations. The original model before Armageddon showed up in Shadowlands, otherwise you’d get it from some rare in Maldraxxus (Sorry, this one I do not know though), otherwise the older model dropped in Naxrammas in 25 player raid. The other, Plundered blade of Northern Kings will only drop (By chance) if vrykul invades the match. No need to kill any rare or any fancy chests since all you need to do is complete and cross your fingers.


Armageddon - Drops from Four Horsemen in Naxx
Sorrowbane - Guide on how to get it
Plundered Blade of Northern Kings - Drops from Vry’kul invaders in IE’s or from vry’kul chests bought from the salvager in Boralus/Zandalar

Three largest weapons I can think of.

3 Likes from the last boss in Blackrock Foundry


There are several laughably large two-handers that drop from the Legion invasions.

Search Wrathblade, Blood Guard’s Tooth, Face of Ruin, and Argus Decapitator.


Did they ever change it so we still need other people? A few of the weapons I still want but unsure if we still need others or not.

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I think this is actually the largest of them.


Thank you everyone… wow, lots of options. Appreciate all the feedback.


Don’t totally quote me on this, but I think they did. I vaguely recall doing it solo once during BfA just to see if they made that change as well because I’m missing one of the two-handers, and I want the shields at some point.

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If you want a weapon that’s going to make Cloud Strife have sword envy, you’ll have to change to a female Blood Elf.


We need sliders for gear and character models!

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Don’t forget the secret sword from the maldraxxus arena and the new one from revendreth. There’s also the big one from the rare in bastion you need to be dead to see.

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I can’t remember the swords name from Naxx…but that one.

This is the correct response OP.

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That would be so cool! I would support that like crazy. Most my mogs would look better with the weapons significantly smaller.

Same thing with shoulders. I usually hide my shoulders because all the good looking ones are way too big.


Usually don’t like the oversized weapons but the Notorious Aspirant’s Greatsword was one that I did.

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I wish I didn’t need to fish for one-handers in the duel wield spec. Know the OP isn’t a pally but that second ashbringer appearance (the class hall unlock?) is hella large. Like, you can’t wear it and a cape or it’s a clipping nightmare, it covers your entire back anyway.

Maybe some of what’s above is bigger, but I’d still say that one gives them a run.

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Or a gnome. If you are a gnome, any of these swords will cover over your character’s face on your forum avatar, which is about as ridiculous as you can possibly get.

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