Larger Mouse Pointer?

My mouse pointer (hand thingy) is ALWAYS getting lost on my screen. I saw some videos of people that had like a circle as the mouse pointer and even really large ones but I cant figure out how to do it.

Any advice plz?


it’s a weakaura


luv u


9.1.5 is also coming with a pointer size change option.


OMG this thread makes me so happy.


There is a addon called CursorTrail.

I lose my mouse all the time so I got this addon.


This is the correct answer. Preset 9 (whatever the purple one is, 8?), then you check “only show combat”. (chefkiss)

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I just the addon Star Cursor. It works well

Cant lose your mouse if you keybind ^^

i enabled pointer trails from the mouse properties settings.

my mouse pointer has an annoying habit of teleporting around between displays, idk if it is a windows or a razer thing.

side note: i would like to have the minimap arrow be bigger or more prominent when other map icons clutter up the minimap and i can’t tell which bearing am facing (i don’t like rotating minmap option)

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Thank you, I just got this addon and I love it :’)

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/10 char

Been using that addon ever since BFA. They shrunk the cursor it seemed so I kept losing it so someone told me about this addon.

It leaves a trail when you move your mouse pointer.

Get the cursor trail addon.
It’s has an electric looking streak trail that trails your mouse.
It’s amazing

While this is true, the weakaura linked above to provide people with a cursor indicator is good for @cursor macros which are needed for certain classes to perform quick actions, such as quick response Barriers or Mass Dispels. So it helps to have a cursor tracker of some sort regardless.

Thank you. Just improved my gaming x10.
I didn’t like the cursor trail as much as the weak aura. Just my preference.

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you can adjust the settings on your computer, or you can get an addon. WA might do something as well

Sounds like there are 2 different issues.

The mouse being small is certainly NOT my issue.

And I don’t think it’s a WoW-thing, so much as a Windows-thing, the mouse just DISAPPEARS! It’s like every 16 minutes of use, Windows just says “I’m tired of displaying the mouse.” And you have to flail about to get it to realize, no, I still want to see the effing thing.

Ever been on a jobsite working on your laptop outside where you can barely see the screen anyway… and now the stupid mouse decides it’s time to just go poof?

Most annoying thing evar.

/console cursorsizepreferred 0
0 goes from 0 to 2



Sorry about picture quality had to take pics with my phone :laughing:

Had no idea this existed. I set it to 1, that was perfect… and also added the weak aura. Its amazing how much of a difference those 2 make in my gameplay.

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