Things you guys may like

Stuff from 9.1.5 that will likely not get any fanfare but you guys may be interested in

Added confirmations for players who report misbehavior in chat, as well as for those who are likely to be reported.

When you report a player for verbal harassment or other disruptive chat in-game, we will notify you when action is taken against the player.

This one :point_down: I found interesting

When we notice that your behavior has moderately changed for the worse, we will send you a warning message so that you can modify your behavior before receiving a penalty.

What does this mean? Are they monitoring chat now and watching for words?

/ignore now blocks all characters on the ignored player’s WoW account.

I thought this was already supposed to be a thing but I guess it was and then removed? Back now though so that’s sweet. I wonder if it is wow license or account.

The size of the cursor can now be increased in the Accessibility menu.

Yo I was just thinking this like 10 minutes ago because of another thread

Blizz saw the thread lol :point_up:

A shorter alternative command has been added for Ready Check: /rc

A shorter alternative command has been added for Countdown: /cd [seconds]

Group creators can now select a playstyle to set expectations for their group.

This one is awesome :point_up: Now I can quickly find “We’re cool, no rage” groups :smiley:

Accounts now require an attached Authenticator to post custom text when listing a group for Dungeons, Raids, or Rated PvP activities. All players may still search for and join others’ groups.

Developers’ note: A Group Finder that’s full of advertisements bothers us as much as it does you, but a challenge we’ve faced in trying to eliminate those ads is that they are often posted by compromised accounts or other throwaway accounts, such that penalties incurred by in-game reporting have not proven to be an effective deterrent. And regardless, relying on reports still means that some number of players have their experience disrupted by the spam before it gets reported. The Authenticator is available for mobile devices and is a simple and convenient way to secure your World of Warcraft account, but if you prefer not to use it for whatever reason, you will still be able to post groups that will have descriptions auto-populated (e.g. based on raid name and difficulty selected in UI dropdowns, or derived from the Mythic Keystone currently in your bags). Our goal is to clean up the Group Finder while trying to minimize the inconvenience to ordinary players.


Interesting stuff! Thanks for the list.

Maybe a “somebody just reported you for spam” notice?


Would you want somebody to drop the hard N bomb?

… bwuh? I’ve been using that for ages. How is it new? O.o

What sticks out to me is the way they word it “When we notice” which sounds like they are watching but I guess they can notice when someone reports you too :laughing:

It’s been a part of Boss Mod addons since forever, don’t think it has been in the base client.

Stops drunkenly running around naked in Ironforge with a bucket on my head
Who said that?

Oh… that’ll do it.


I want a transmog like that :laughing:

I think that’s going hand in hand with the “no custom label without authenticator” thing, but I don’t hop onto PTR. So I’m kind of curious to see how it functions. Can you set custom notes and playstyle? Or is it more you can do playstyle by default(…so non-authenticator people listing can select them)?

And if so, what options they possess. Guess I’ll see in a few weeks.

Edit: I always try to tack on “chill” when making groups because I don’t really care if I time it or not if it’s my key. And generally grab lower geared people the few times I tank for my friend to heal on their alts who are usually just super happy to come along and not be declined

You can use my bucket!

It was just sitting there inside an outhouse, free for the taking!

Interesting stuff. But wake me up when the re-add the Nightborne warglaive they deleted off the PTR vendor :confused:

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Hopefully they can expand on playstyle in the future.

Good, because in the rare times I search for groups I always search for “chill” or “new” or “undergeared” stuff where the group probably isn’t going to be crazy.

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Thanks. “Completion” it is then! I like dragging along undergeared people. At least they can use the gear that drops since M+ gearing ends up primarily via vault as you get up there.

Except trinkets. Hands off.



Wait. So only for m+?

I’m wondering how extreme they’ll get with it. Will it be like FF14? Also it’s about time…I think? I’ll keep watch on here to see if it does make it better overall.

So I think the idea here is like this:

  • Dinkleberg hops on Trade and says a bunch of racist stuff
  • Turner and a dozen other players report him
  • Automod mutes Dinkleberg for a bit
  • Dinkleberg gets unmuted and says more racist stuff
  • Turner and a dozen other players report him again
  • Automod mutes Dinkleberg again
  • Due to repeat offense, the chatlogs surrounding both instances are sent to GM-Jorgan
  • GM-Jorgan goes “yeah, this is pretty messed” and sends Dinkleberg a letter telling him to knock it off, and that continuing to say racist stuff will result in more severe actions being taken

Of course it probably won’t be like that in execution, but I get the idea.

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Nope, it’s there for Raids as well. The options are Standard, Learning/Progression, and Quick Clear

“Completion” and “Beat Timer” are clear, but what is “Standard?”

Does that mean someone has to leave after the first wipe and then the group disbands? :smiley:

That is a bit silly since “beat timer” is really kind of standard. And…completion is the opposite of that. It’s kind of an either/or really.

But as mentioned, hopefully they expand things more. Like “alt/noob” runs. Or for M+ “pushing” maybe for people looking for multiple dungeons etc.

In fact, that’s a pretty sad list to be honest given the few options really. But I may actually try pugging some raids on alts if I can filter to learning/progression and join groups that may have…lower standards.

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