Stuff from 9.1.5 that will likely not get any fanfare but you guys may be interested in
Added confirmations for players who report misbehavior in chat, as well as for those who are likely to be reported.
When you report a player for verbal harassment or other disruptive chat in-game, we will notify you when action is taken against the player.
This one I found interesting
When we notice that your behavior has moderately changed for the worse, we will send you a warning message so that you can modify your behavior before receiving a penalty.
What does this mean? Are they monitoring chat now and watching for words?
/ignore now blocks all characters on the ignored player’s WoW account.
I thought this was already supposed to be a thing but I guess it was and then removed? Back now though so that’s sweet. I wonder if it is wow license or account.
The size of the cursor can now be increased in the Accessibility menu.
Yo I was just thinking this like 10 minutes ago because of another thread
Blizz saw the thread lol
A shorter alternative command has been added for Ready Check: /rc
A shorter alternative command has been added for Countdown: /cd [seconds]
Group creators can now select a playstyle to set expectations for their group.
This one is awesome Now I can quickly find “We’re cool, no rage” groups
Accounts now require an attached Authenticator to post custom text when listing a group for Dungeons, Raids, or Rated PvP activities. All players may still search for and join others’ groups.
Developers’ note: A Group Finder that’s full of advertisements bothers us as much as it does you, but a challenge we’ve faced in trying to eliminate those ads is that they are often posted by compromised accounts or other throwaway accounts, such that penalties incurred by in-game reporting have not proven to be an effective deterrent. And regardless, relying on reports still means that some number of players have their experience disrupted by the spam before it gets reported. The Authenticator is available for mobile devices and is a simple and convenient way to secure your World of Warcraft account, but if you prefer not to use it for whatever reason, you will still be able to post groups that will have descriptions auto-populated (e.g. based on raid name and difficulty selected in UI dropdowns, or derived from the Mythic Keystone currently in your bags). Our goal is to clean up the Group Finder while trying to minimize the inconvenience to ordinary players.