It looks like we’re going to break their backs 
Specifically the Silverwind Larion and the new Phalanx mounts.
The OG orc mounts (Orgrimmar Wolves, Frost Wolf, etc) also look too small.
Mount size vs NPC size
Flight Path
Flight Path on ground
This NPC size there looks a tad large, but the Flight Path version looks just right to me.
A lot of the dog mounts also seem too small as well.
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Only my Ironhoof Destroyer actually looks strong enough to hold me.
Hyenas look rather small as well… But then again I guess they are “dogs” huh.
There’s very few mounts that I feel look ok
They were designed originally for night elves though, so they are not used to orcs. Sorry bro
While the frog does look dope, I feel unable to use the new mounts just because of how silly it looks with them being so small. The flight path versions and mobs seem correctly sized, but the mounts themselves are runts.
Virtually all mounts look too small to support male Orcs. We should get the same size as Tauren (and maybe bump them up a bracket while we’re at it).
Fun fact hyenas are not part of the dog family whatsoever and instead have their own special one.
Isn’t there a law against Orcs riding cats?
Oh i need the pictures please 
I was going off the fact that they share a skeleton with dark hounds. Just feel bad when I ride one it looks like I’m sitting my broad shouldered butt on the poor things hips.
Can’t feel good
Please, I beg you, keep the sizes the same. Huge characters on tiny mounts is absolutely hilarious.
I love seeing giant Moonkin Druids riding tiny Hawkstrider and Mechanostrider mounts for the same reason.
Well,the mechanical one yeah is abit small but the lourian look about right there.
Some of the more comical (bird, chicken, etc) I think are fine, but the ones that are meant to just look cool being too small just end up looking silly.
I’d say the Flight Path size is the correct one.
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I want to give Orcs tiny tricycles.
I want to hear their squeaky wheels filling the air like the sound of thunder as they ride down the street.
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Now,that would be something wealth seeing.
There are many a mount that looks off with specific races. Draenei have their issues just like Orcs. The large Tauren have a few small scaled mounts as well.
If large sizes are issues around mailboxes then have a dismount zone on every mailbox.