Larger mount sizes for Male Orcs

I find my ztroll has some mounts that seem way too small. Got the Silverwind Larion the other day, and the mount seemed kind of small. Compared it to a male blood elf sitting on one next to me, and it’s seemingly the exact same size. Yet, trolls are quite a bit taller than a BE…

This gross clipping would also be fixed by increasing the mount scale.
Clipping :frowning:

Additionally, smaller mounts for vulperan.

Yeah, it would be nice if my big Troll toes didn’t drag on the ground riding some mounts. It just looks silly.

fwiw this is how good it looks properly sized on the ground:
Flight Path on ground

No. Only tiny bicycles for orc an tauren.

I really enjoy playing as a Male Orc–there’s simply nothing cooler in my mind than seeing an Orc riding into battle or seeing that new pair of huge shoulder-slot items being displayed in their full glory. In Shadowlands, however, it has become more prevalent that there are immersion-breaking issues with the Male Orc’s appearance: the size of mounts, the riding animation and cosmetic items clipping through the shoulder-slot items.

The mounts simply feel too small, as though they were never meant to support a Male Orc’s weight. For example, I joined the Kyrian covenant and really enjoy using the larions and phalanxes for covenant fantasy. However, the Male Orc riding animation on these small mounts (especially the phalanxes with the character’s legs sticking out and not moving at all) feels extremely rigid and is not fun to experience.

The issue of cosmetics clipping through the shoulder pieces is clearly evident and more persistent than ever before in Shadowlands. I just completed Chapter 7 of my Kyrian Covenant campaign and received the Selfless Wings of the Ascended cosmetic item. I equip them and the wings clip straight through the Selfless Forgelite’s Spaulders, breaking all sense of immersion.

I would rather not feel obligated to race change for such an easy fix. I think the Orc race deserves far more fair treatment in this regard, seeing as how they are one of the two original races to be featured in this entire franchise.

Winged Guardian mount is basically the same creature as the Larion and is a proper size. Larion looks too small on Humans too. Not sure why they didnt go with Winged Guardian size

Agree. It’s getting ridiculous. Most ground mounts are so small that we can touch the floor with our feet while riding, even with wolves which are the racial mount of the orcs. Please fix it!